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Website Information and FAQs

Website Information and FAQs

Legal Notices

Online Security

User Assistance

About this site

This site is best viewed in Chrome 85 or later, Firefox 78 or later, or Safari 13 or later. If you are using an older, lower version browser, please upgrade to a newer version of Chrome or Firefox to take full advantage of our site’s capabilities and personalization. To take full advantage of the AKC Store, you need to have cookies enabled. We use cookies to keep track of where you are in your shopping experience, not to gather information about you or your PC.

Browsers and Plug-Ins


Browsers keep getting better and easier to use. And they’re free! To tell which version of your browser is installed, click Help on the browser’s menu bar, and then click “About…” We support:

  • Google Chrome (Version 85 and up)
  • Safari (Version 13 and up)
  • Firefox (Version 78 and up)
  • Edge (Version 85 and up)
  • Samsung Internet (Version 12 and up)
  • Android WebView (Version 85 and up)

We are no longer supporting Internet Explorer.


Browsers are designed to display text and images. Plug-ins are software programs that extend a browser’s capabilities in a specific way; for example, to play audio and video files. Your browser usually recognizes what software it needs, notifies you, and offers to download it. Our site currently offers three special kinds of files. The plug-ins you need to view these special files are free! The sites that offer them also provide comprehensive help on downloading, installing, and using them. To download the plug-ins, follow these links:

Remember to install these plug-ins after you download them


We support iPhone 7 and up, iPad pro 9.7 inch, iPad Mini 4, iPad 5th generation, iPad 12.9, and iPad air 3rd generation, using iOS 13 or higher.

We support Galaxy 9 and up, using Android 8 or higher.

We also support Windows computers running Windows 7 or up and Apple computers running MacOS 10.12 and up.

Reports & Information Help

About Cookies

To take full advantage of the AKC Store, you need to have cookies enabled. If you do not know how to change or need assistance with changing the cookie settings on your PC, you will need to consult the help files/technical manual or contact the technical support department for your browsing software or operating system. We use cookies to keep track of where you are in your shopping experience, not to gather information about you or your PC.

About Javascript and pop-up windows

Our website in general, and the AKC Store in particular, make(s) extensive use of Javascript. Most current browsers support this language but, if your browser does not have the ability to read Javascript or if you have disabled your browser’s ability to read Javascript, you will not be able to access and use the AKC Store. Also, if you are running software designed to disable pop-up windows, you will need to disable this software before using the AKC Store.

To create an account

  1. Click “Store” on the gray bar at the top of any page of our website.
  2. Click the “View all reports and information” graphic at the top of the light blue column.
  3. Click “Login.”
  4. Click “Do you want to create an account?”
  5. Provide account and contact information. Boldface labels identify required fields.
  6. Click “Create Account.”

To log in as a registered customer

  1. Click “Store” on the gray bar at the top of any page of our website.
  2. Click the “View all reports and information” graphic at the top of the light blue column.
  3. Click “Login.”
  4. Enter your Account Name and Password in the indicated boxes.
  5. Click “Login.”

Alternate login method

In the new AKC Store, you no longer have to log in immediately. If you are ordering merchandise, you will not be required to log in until the checkout process. If you are ordering reports, you will be required to log in before you enter the reports section. Once you are prompted with the Login message, you can log in following steps 3 through 5 above.

To request a forgotten password

  1. Click “Store” on the gray bar at the top of any page of our website.
  2. Click the “View all reports and information” graphic at the top of the light blue column.
  3. Click “Login.”
  4. Click “Forgot your password?”
  5. Enter your account Name, then click “send password.”
  6. Your password will be sent to the e-mail address listed in your account.
  7. Continue to visit the rest of the AKC site.

To add an online report to your shopping cart

  1. Click “Store” on the gray bar at the top of any page of our website.
  2. Click the “View all reports and information” graphic at the top of the light blue column.
  3. When you enter the online store, you will notice a box in the left navigation labeled “AKC Reports.” From this list, select “Pedigrees/Reports.”
  4. Select the type of report you that would like to view.
  5. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to do so.
  6. Select a dog from the drop down menu.
  7. At the bottom of the page, select the report options that you want.
  8. Add the report to your wagon by clicking “Add to Wagon.”
  9. Click “View Wagon” to access the report.

To check the processing status of an order

Our online store checkout now includes a screen to allow you to check the status of any orders placed over the last 72 hours. Click “Order Status” to view the following:

  • Order Number
    • This field will display an order number if processing is complete for the order. You can click on the order number to display an invoice for the complete order.
  • Payment Status
    • This field will indicate whether the payment was processed or not.
      • “PEND” means our system is still trying to process the charge. Sometimes, a charge cannot be processed immediately.
      • “Success” indicates that our system was able to accurately process the charge.
      • “Credit Card Declined” means that our system could not process the card. This could be due to any number of reasons, from an incorrectly typed number to a bad expiration date. If our system will not accept a card after trying several times, the only option would be to try a different card.
  • Order Status
    • This section will tell you if the purchase of the item(s) is pending credit card authorization, or if it has already been purchased. It will also provide you with the shipping date of the item(s).
    • “Return to Wagon” means that our system could not process the order. Clicking on “Wagon” will return you to the wagon to attempt the purchase again.

To check the processing status of an online report

  1. Log in to the AKC Store.
  2. Click “View Wagon” on the toolbar of any store page.
  3. Check to see which area of the wagon contains the report:

Products currently being created
Products ready for checkout
Products available for viewing, printing and saving_

To display an invoice

  1. Log in to the AKC Store.
  2. Click “Order Status.”
  3. In the drop down menu, select a date range, then click “Go.”
  4. Click the order number beside an order to display its invoice.

To display the processing history of an order

  1. Log in to the AKC Store.
  2. Click “Order Status.”
  3. In the drop down menu, select a date range, then click “Go.”
  4. The processing histories of all orders within the chosen time range are displayed in the resulting table.

To save a report on your hard drive as an HTML file

  1. Log in to the AKC Store.
  2. Click “View Wagon” on the toolbar of any store page.
  3. Click the “View” icon beside a report that is ready to view to display it in the browser window.
  4. Display your browser’s “Save As” dialog box. “Save As” is usually found in the File menu at the top of the browser window.
  5. Within the “Save As” dialog box, there is a “Save In” drop down menu. Use this to navigate to the folder on your hard drive in which you want to keep the file.
  6. Enter a file name you will remember in the “File Name” text box. Use the extension HTML. Example: myreport.html
  7. Click “Save.”
  8. Double-click on your copy of the report to display it in a browser window in a format designed to print nicely. When you are connected to the Internet, the links in the report will be hot.

To view an online information report

  1. Log in to the AKC Store.
  2. Click “View Wagon” on the toolbar of any store page.
  3. Click the “View” icon beside a report to display it in a new window.
  4. Use your browser’s “Save As” (“Save As” is usually found in the File menu on top of the browser window) function to save the report to your hard drive as an HTML file.
  5. Double-click on your copy of the report to display it in a browser window in a format designed to print nicely. When you are connected to the Internet, the links in the report will be hot.

To change your password

  1. Log in to the AKC Store.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Account Management.”
  3. Click “Update Your Account.”
  4. Enter and verify your new password, then click “Update Account.”
  5. Use your new password the next time you log in.

To change your account information

  1. Log in to the AKC Store.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Account Management.”
  3. Click “Update Your Account.”
  4. Provide account and contact information. Click “Update Account.”
  5. Click “Update Account.”

Products & Supplies Online Store Help

If you are experiencing difficulties with the Products & Supplies store please contact the store as follows:


Phone: 1.800.367.3647

To Check Your Dog’s Points

You can obtain your dog’s points from the AKC Store. If you do not already have an account, you will first need to register as a new user and then login to the store.

When you enter the online store, you will notice a box in the left navigation labeled “AKC Reports.” From this list, select “Pedigrees/Reports.” Then select “Points and Awards.” If you have not yet logged in, you will be prompted to do so.

Select a dog from the drop down menu. If the dog for which you are searching does not appear in the menu, you can search for a new one by clicking “click here to search for a new one.” In the pop-up window that appears you can enter either the registration number or the breed and exact spelling of the name. Click “Go.” This may bring up multiple dogs. Select the dog you want by clicking on its registration number. If you intend to use the selected dog for all reports, click “use this dog for all reports.”

To find the number of points your dog has earned in an AKC event, click “View Points/Summary of the Title Progression for this dog.” You can now obtain point information and title progression for all types of AKC events, including Conformation, Obedience, Agility, Field Trials, Hunting Tests and all other AKC sanctioned event types. To view the events not included in the actual Awards Record, click “View events not included in the Awards Record at this time.” Please review this link before purchasing an Awards Record. You may also view a sample of an Awards Record before purchasing by clicking “View a sample Awards Record.”

To order your report, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Add to Wagon.” When the product is ready for purchase, you can click “Checkout” to pay for it.

When you have finished, select “Logout” from the toolbar on any page in the Online Store.

To Select A Dog

When you enter the online store, you will notice a box in the left navigation labeled “AKC Reports.” When you select one of these categories, you will be taken to a page with links to several types of reports. If you are not currently logged in and you select a report, you will be prompted to do so. After you have logged in, you will be directed to a page on which you can select a dog for the first time. Use the drop down menu to find the dog for which you are searching.

To Search For Products

The AKC Store now offers you the ability to search our product inventory. You can perform a simple search by entering a word or phrase in the “Product Search” box on the left side of the screen. You can also click on the “Advanced Search” link to redefine and narrow your search using several helpful categories.

Please note that the search at the top of the screen in the gray bar is not the same search and will not assist you in locating products in the AKC Store.

To report problems with our website, e-mail For assistance with the Online Store, e-mail
