Mike Isaac

Recent Posts by Mike Isaac

Peace Out, Google+: Designer Daniel Burka Joins Google Ventures

Looks like the Milk kids are getting restless.

Daniel Burka, one of the founding members of mobile development lab Milk, announced Monday that he is leaving his current position inside Google+ to join Google Ventures.

Burka occupied the mobile user experience position at Google+. At Google’s venture arm, he’ll join as a design partner.

Sound familiar? That’s because it is. Milk co-founder and longtime Burka collaborator Kevin Rose did the exact same jump from Google+ to Google Ventures in the spring.

It’s something of a happy reunion, as Rose and Burka have worked together on multiple projects over the years. Burka spent five years as Digg’s creative director under Rose (who was the site’s CEO for a time), before both left the company to found Milk. Burka joins Google Ventures’ in-house design studio, which consists of five partners and two designers-in-residence. They’ll help coach GV’s 150+ portfolio companies in design and product efforts.

So, what’s the deal? Did Rose and Burka get bored inside of Google’s social wing, or did they just want to scoot around the Valley checking out new investments?

I’ve pinged Google+ to ask what’s up. No response yet.

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