As part of our Learning & Development team, Dorcas supports our global Houzzers, ensuring they have the tools to succeed in their careers. Outside of work, she enjoys keeping active and loves trying out the latest exercise craze, with rowing a recent favorite. In honor of Black History Month in the UK, Dorcas shares what the celebration means to her.

How would you describe what you do at Houzz?
The Learning & Development team’s role is to help everyone at Houzz to do their job the best they can. By creating and delivering training programs, we ensure everyone has the support and knowledge they need to succeed as they advance in their careers. 

How has your role changed since joining Houzz?
I feel really grateful that, as Houzz has grown, I’ve had the opportunity to develop my skills in other areas and take on new challenges. I started in an individual contributor role where I helped home professionals to build their brands on Houzz, then transitioned to the team that launched our new marketing and business management solution, Houzz Pro in the UK. In both of these positions, I loved taking what I’d learned from my experience to help train and support others on the team. When a Learning & Development role became available, I jumped at the opportunity to apply.

What do you enjoy most about your role?
I really enjoy coaching Houzzers on our Houzz Pro tools and teaching them how to communicate the benefits to our community. I also love that we regularly work with people from all across the business, whether that’s the product development teams or the sales teams in different markets. As a team that is in regular contact with both areas of the business, we’re able to share insights on what’s working well in one market or how the product could better meet a local need in another market. 

What are a few tips for people applying for or interviewing at Houzz?
Be yourself. It sounds cheesy, but it’s really true. The people who do well at Houzz are the ones who have truly brought themselves to work. We really value authentic people. 

What does it mean to you that Houzz celebrates Black History Month in the UK?
I really appreciate that Houzz champions everyone being their true self, and celebrating Black History Month is one example of this. People don’t feel like they have to edit themselves. They can share their culture, traditional foods and heritage and feel celebrated. 

Companies that allow you to be yourself are companies that you want to stay at. It feels like family at Houzz and this is what it means to be family, being your truest self. 

What do you look forward to during Black History Month? 
Sharing different cultures and experiences. During Black History Month, I feel like people are open to sharing more about their background and it’s fascinating to learn about their stories. 

One of Houzz’s Life@Houzz groups is D&I@Houzz (Diversity & Inclusion). Can you share about this group? 
For me, the D&I@Houzz group is a place where different voices can be heard. As a group, we are all passionate about diversity in the workplace and want to help shape a more inclusive business, but you don’t have to come with ideas. It’s equally a forum for education and training, and we welcome anyone who wants to learn. 

Why did you decide to become involved in D&I@Houzz?
I have always been passionate about D&I. When my manager let me know about this group at Houzz, she said that she would like us both to join, so she could learn how to be more inclusive. It meant a lot to me to join, especially as my manager chose to join with me. I felt supported in something that was really important to me. 

Through this group, I’ve enjoyed working closely with people from all over the business whom I might not have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. 

Who are your most influential role models?
Definitely my mum and dad. They are focus minded but also so kind and that is exactly what I strive to be in everything I do. Also, my previous Houzz manager, Adeline Thomas, she taught me so much and is such a great example of a people-focused manager. And, I can’t forget Viola Davis and Brené Brown. There really have been so many strong people who have been influential in my life. 

What’s your best piece of career advice?
Speak about progression and be clear about where you want your career to go. Be transparent about your goals at every checkpoint with your manager.

What do you love most about working for Houzz?
It has to be the people. We hire the best people here and many Houzzers have become really good friends, who I’m sure will always be a massive part of my life. I’m really grateful for that.

How have you used Houzz at home?
I love using Houzz as I’m obsessed with interior design. We renovated my parent’s home through Houzz, and it was great using the app to find inspiration and hire pros who could help.

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