Israel Tabadi is one of our Mobile team leads in Tel Aviv, focusing on our Houzz Pro business management and marketing app for residential design and construction professionals. When Israel is not at work, he enjoys watching documentaries and playing the guitar and piano. He’s even played in a Dave Matthews Band cover band!

What do you do at Houzz?
My team supports the development of the Houzz Pro app for Android and iOS, providing professionals with the best tools to run their businesses on-the-go. 

What do you love most about your job?
I love working with talented individuals who are extremely passionate about mobile development and providing our users with a delightful experience. We are team players, with an eagerness to take on challenges, and are constantly learning and developing. 

How did your career choices influence where you are today?
Approximately 10 years ago, a friend of mine had an Android phone. It really intrigued me to hear what it was like to code for such a small screen. I had computer programming experience, so Android was the natural choice since Java is very similar to the C Sharp programming language. From there, I deepened my understanding and interest in Android development and there was no going back. My decision paid off because I really enjoy coding for mobile and I got my start at Houzz on the Android team. There is a great group of iOS developers here and it felt natural to explore the differences between the two platforms and how iOS behaves. It has been a great opportunity for me to learn from my peers and expand my expertise to include iOS development, as well. Now, I am leading a cross-platform mobile team. 

What do you like most about Houzz?
Houzz has a rare mixture of interesting products and great technological culture. We are always seeking to provide the best all-around solution for our community. Houzz also has a massive presence globally and working with people from all over the world is exciting.

What is your favorite Houzz Pro feature?
One of my favorite features is the estimate building tool, a comprehensive experience that enables our pros to manage their estimates on-the-go, including editing parts, units, quantity, and taxes. This was a complicated feature to develop from a UX perspective, and I enjoyed the process of creating an intuitive and user-friendly design for it within the mobile app. 

What advice would you give to others looking to start a career in mobile development?
Seek the workplace that will take you to the next level and choose your manager. The managers you have throughout your career design who you are as a professional. It’s a huge bonus to learn from your more experienced peers early on. 

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