[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-1010

CICM-WS-WiP 2013
Workshops and Work in Progress at CICM

The 8th Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces (MathUI)
The 25th OpenMath Workshop
Workshop on Programming Languages for Mechanized Mathematical Systems (PLMMS)
The 2th Workshop on Theorem proving components for Educational software (ThEdu)
• The Work in Progress Section of the CICM

Joint Proceedings of the MathUI, OpenMath, PLMMS and ThEdu Workshops and Work in Progress at CICM
co-located with Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2013)

Bath, UK, July 9 - 10.

Edited by

Christoph Lange, University of Birmingham, UK
David Aspinall, University of Edinburgh, UK
Jacques Carette, McMaster University, Canada
James Davenport, University of Bath, UK
Andrea Kohlhase, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Michael Kohlhase, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Paul Libbrecht, Center for Educational Research in Mathematics and Technology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Pedro Quaresma, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Florian Rabe, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Petr Sojka, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Iain Whiteside, Newcastle University, UK
Wolfgang Windsteiger, RISC Institute, JKU Linz, Austria

Table of Contents

Mathematical User Interfaces (MathUI)

  1. Preface
    Andrea Kohlhase, Paul Libbrecht
  2. Towards automatic generation of domain-specific mathematical input support
    Eric Andrès, Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring
  3. Ziggy: very interactive trigonometry
    Anjo Anjewierden, Ellen T. Kamp, Ton de Jong
  4. OpenMathMap: accessing math via interactive maps
    Jan Wilken Dörrie, Michael Kohlhase
  5. NNexus Glasses: a drop-in showcase for wikification
    Deyan Ginev
  6. InkChat: a collaboration tool for mathematics
    Rui Hu, Stephen M. Watt
  7. The Scala-REPL + MMT as a lightweight mathematical user interface
    Mihnea Iancu, Felix Mance, Florian Rabe
  8. Interactive mathematical videos
    Hans Cuypers, Jan Willem Knopper
  9. Spreadsheets: from data interfaces to knowledge interfaces
    Andrea Kohlhase
  10. Edition with Arabic mathematical notation
    Daniel Marquès Solé
  11. Recommendation systems in mathematical character recognition
    Vadim Mazalov, Stephen M. Watt
  12. Implementation of dynamic algebra in Epsilonwriter
    Jean-François Nicaud, Christophe Viudez


  1. Preface
    James Davenport, Michael Kohlhase, Christoph Lange
  2. Quantifiers and n-ary binders: an OpenMath standard enhancement proposal
    Lars Hellström
  3. Literate sources for content dictionaries
    Lars Hellström
  4. Lurch: a word processor built on OpenMath that can check mathematical reasoning
    Nathan C. Carter, Kenneth G. Monks

Programming Languages for Mechanizes Mathematical Systems (PLMMS)

  1. Preface
    Florian Rabe, Iain Whiteside
  2. Dependent types for an adequate programming of algebra
    Sergei D. Meshveliani
  3. Sequential decision problems, dependently-typed solutions
    Nicola Botta, Cezar Ionescu, Edwin Brady
  4. Reading an algebra textbook
    Clemens Ballarin

Theorem proving components for Educational software (ThEdu)

  1. Preface
    Pedro Quaresma
  2. The full angle method on the OpenGeoProver
    Nuno Baeta, Pedro Quaresma
  3. Computer algebra implemented in Isabelle's function package under Lucas-interpretation — a case study
    Walther Neuper

Work in Progress

  1. Preface
    David Aspinall, Jacques Carette, Christoph Lange, Petr Sojka, Wolfgang Windsteiger
  2. Tagged mathematics in PDFs for accessibility and other purposes
    Ross Moore
  3. Scaling feature based mathematical search engine for real-world document sets
    Jozef Mišutka
  4. The Declaratron, semantic specification for scientific computation using MathML
    Dave Murray-Rust, Peter Murray-Rust
  5. Lurch: a word processor that can grade students' proofs
    Nathan C. Carter, Kenneth G. Monks

We offer a BibTeX file for citing papers of this workshop from LaTeX.

2013-07-10: submitted by Christoph Lange
2013-07-10: published on CEUR-WS.org