[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-328

© 2008 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material from this volume requires permission by the copyright owners.

Process Innovation with Business Software

Proceedings of the PRIMIUM Subconference at the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2008

Garching, Germany, February 26 - 28, 2008

Edited by

Armin Heinzl *
Hans-Jrgen Appelrath **
Elmar J. Sinz ***

* Universitt Mannheim, Germany
** Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universitt Oldenburg, Germany
*** Otto-Friedrich-Universitt Bamberg, Germany

Table of Contents

    Tuesday, 26.02.2008 - CollaBaWue (Collaborative, Component-Based Software Development)

  1. A Pragmatic Approach to Traceability in Model-Driven Development
    Markus Aleksy, Tobias Hildenbrand, Claudia Obergfell, Michael Schwind
  2. The Emergence of Partnership Networks in the Enterprise Application Development Industry - An SME Perspective
    Jens Arndt, Thomas Kude, Jens Dibbern
  3. A Portal for Cross-Administrative Acquisition and Specification of Software Requirements
    Norman Riegel, Holger Branding, Michael Geisser, Tobias Hildenbrand
  4. Designing and Implementing a Tool for Distributed Collaborative Traceability and Rationale Management
    Tobias Hildenbrand, Michael Geisser, Lars Klimpke, Thomas Acker

    Wednesday, 27.02.2008 - AristaFlow (Component-Oriented Development of Adaptive, Process-Oriented Enterprise Software)/CollaBaWue

  5. An Environment for the Orthographic Modeling of Workflow Components
    Colin Atkinson, Dietmar Stoll
  6. Architectural Design of Flexible Process Management Technology
    Manfred Reichert, Peter Dadam, Martin Jurisch, Ulrich Kreher, Kevin Gser
  7. Bringing Developers and Users closer together: The OpenProposal story
    Asarnusch Rashid, Jan Wiesenberger, David Meder, Jan Baumann
  8. New Applications for Wikis in Software Engineering
    Michael Geisser, Hans-Jrg Happel, Tobias Hildenbrand, Axel Korthaus, Stefan Seedorf

    Thursday, 28.02.2008 - SIKOSA (Secure, Collaborative Software Development)

  9. A Method for Aligning Business Process Modeling and Software Requirements Engineering
    Daniel Weiß, Joerg Leukel, Stefan Kirn
  10. Alignment of Software Specifications with Quality- and Business Goals in the SIKOSA Methodology
    Andrea Herrmann, Daniel Weiß
  11. On the Role of Communication, Documentation and Experience during System Testing - An Interview Study
    Timea Illes-Seifert, Barbara Paech
  12. Extended Privacy Definition Tool
    Martin Khmer, Maike Gilliot

    Thursday, 28.02.2008 - CollaBaWue

  13. Documenting Service-Oriented Architectures with Ontobrowse Semantic Wiki
    Hans-Jrg Happel, Stefan Seedorf
  14. Towards a Model for Specifying and Composing Concerns in Software Product Line Engineering
    Volker Kuttruff
  15. The Influence of Environmental Parameters on the Acceptance of Collaboration Tools
    Astrid Behm, Asarnusch Rashid

submitted by A. Heinzl, 11-Mar-2008
published on CEUR-WS.org, 11-Mar-2008