Hansestaden Visby

town of the Hanseatic League in Sweden
Camera location57° 38′ 20″ N, 18° 17′ 40″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo
English: The Hanseatic town Visby is the description of Visby, Sweden, from the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. Visby was founded in the 10th century, on the then independent Baltic Sea island of Gotland. The Hansaetic League formed it during ensuing centuries, during which it came to Denmark. In 1645, it came into Swedish occupation, in which it has remained until today.
<nowiki>hanzeatsko mesto Visby; Ville hanséatique de Visby; Hansestaden Visby; Hansabyen Visby; Hansestaden Visby; Ганзейське місто Вісбю; ciutat Hanseàtica de Visby; ciudad hanseática de Visby; Hansestadt Visby; Visbyn hansakaupunki; Hanseatic town of Visby; Hansa urbo de Visby; Thị trấn của Liên minh Hanseatic tại Visby; cittadina anseatica di Visby; mesto Hanzeatske lige na Švedskem; town of the Hanseatic League in Sweden; världsarv; centro storico medievale di Visby; Hansastaden Visby; värdsarvet Visby; Hansestaden Visby; Hanseatic Town of Visby; Visby; ciudad hanseatica de Visby</nowiki>
Hanseatic town of Visby 
town of the Hanseatic League in Sweden
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Instance of
LocationVisby, Gotland Municipality, Gotland County, Sweden
Has part(s)
Heritage designation
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Map57° 38′ 30″ N, 18° 17′ 45″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q1779992
NL CR AUT ID: ge448120
World Heritage Site ID: 731
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 6942677
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