العربية: الكرة الأرضية
Català: Globus terraqüi
Čeština: Glóbus
English: Globe
Español: Globo terráqueo.
Français : Globe terrestre
Deutsch: Globus
Italiano: Globo (terrestre)
Nederlands: Globe (wereldbol)
Polski: Globus
ไทย: ลูกโลก
Русский: Глобус
(1492) The Erdapfel by Martin Behaim.
(1673) The first celestial globe in China to include stars that can be seen from both the southern and northern hemispheres.
A 1765 de l'Isle globe, showing top view.
(1765) de l'Isle Globe.
(1765) Detail of de l'Isle Globe showing cartouche.
(1879) Fitz globe, by Ginn and Heath, featuring a mounting system of vertical rings patented by Ellen Fitz of New Brunswick.
A cream coloured globe.
Himmelsglobus. Globe of heaven
The "mappa mundi" at Palazzo Vecchio, Firenze, damaged during renovations.
Terrestrial globe with wooden frame by Johannes Schöner, based on the Waldseemüller Map, around 1515, from Historical Museum Frankfurt
1792, Polish museum