Golan Heights
English: The Golan Heights is a volcanic plateau on the border of Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.
العربية: الجولان هي هضبة تقع في بلاد الشام بين نهر اليرموك من الجنوب وجبل الشيخ من الشمال، تابعة إدارياً لمحافظة القنيطرة (كلياً في ما مضى وجزئياً في الوقت الحاضر).
עברית: רמת הגולן היא אזור בצפון-מזרח ארץ ישראל.
Syria from the Golan Heights, Israeli Side.
Windmills in the Golan Heights
An abandoned Centurion tank on display
Remains of buildings
Mine field with a warning sign
Ein Pik
Hippos, as seen from Ein Pik
Hippos, as seen from Ein Pik
The Druze village of Majdal Shams on the Golan Heights, approximately, 1978.
The Golan Hospital in Al-Qunaytirah, UN buffer zone, Syria, as it appears today
The Golan Hospital in Al-Qunaytirah, UN buffer zone, Syria, as it appears today
Border crossing
1992 map
1973 Yom Kippur war
Map with Norwegian text
Shebaa Farms disputed area
CIA map showing Israeli settlements as of 1989