العربية: البتراء
Deutsch: Petra (Felsen auf Griechisch) ist ein archäologischer Ort in Jordanien und liegt in einem Talkessel der Berge von Edom östlich des Wadi Araba, der großen Senke zwischen dem Toten Meer und dem Golf von Aqaba.
English: Petra (rock in Greek) — an archaeological site in Jordan. It lies in a basin among the mountains which form the eastern flank of Wadi Araba, the great valley running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba.
See also: Category: Stone buildings in Petra.
See also: Category: Stone buildings in Petra.
Español: Petra (roca en griego) es un sitio arqueológico en Jordania, situado en una cuenca entre montañas que forman el flanco este de Wadi Araba, el gran valle que comprende desde el Mar Muerto hasta el Golfo de Aqaba.
Français : Petra (roche en Grec) est un site archéologique en Jordanie, se situant dans un bassin parmi les montagnes qui forment le flanc oriental de Wadi Araba, la grande vallée allant de la mer morte au Golfe d'Aqaba.
Italiano: Petra (roccia in greco) è un sito archeologico posto a 250 km a Sud di Amman, la capitale della Giordania, in un bacino tra le montagne ad Est del Wadi Araba, la grande valle che parte dal Mar Morto fino al Golfo di Akaba.
Nederlands: Petra (rots in het Grieks) is een archeologische plaats in Jordanië, liggend in een bassin onder de bergen die de oostelijke flank van Wadi Araba vormen, de grote vallei die van het Dode Overzee naar de Golf van Aqaba loopt.
Map of the city
The Siq
Close-up Elephant rock
Water channels on both sides of the Siq
Tourist hors cart in the Siq
Camels running back in the Siq
The Treasury (El Khazneh)
The first glimpse of Petra's Treasury upon exiting the Siq
A view of the Treasury as one exits the Siq
The Treasury (al-Khazneh)
The Treasury
The Treasury at Petra
Treasury from above
Upper part of the facade
Close-up detail of the Treasury urn
Right distyle
Detail of the facade
Treasury anti-chamber
Treasury at night
The Monastery (Ed Deir)
Rock tomb Ed-Deir, "the Monastery"
800+ steps lead up to the Monastary
The Monastary (al-Deir)
A framed view of Petra's Monastary (al-Deir) from a nearby cave
Ed Deir
A view of Petra's Monastery from a bit further afield
A close-up view of the Monastery
Obelisk Tomb and Triclinium
One of the tombs that line Petra's Street of Façades
The Uneishu Tomb
The Tombs of Kings
Tomb of sextius Florentinus
The Palace Tomb
The Corinthian Tomb
The Silk Tomb
The Urn Tomb
Urn tomb at the wall of the king
View from inside the urn tomb
Roman theater
The Roman Theater
[edit]Other images
The Cardo maximus
The ruins of the gate along Petra's Roman Road
The Great Temple
The Qasr al-Bint
Ornamental ruins found along Petra's Roman Road
An Elephant Head column capital
The Byzantine Church
Part of Mosaic in the Byzantine Church
Another Part of the Mosaic, Petra in art
The Blue Chapel
Temple of Winged Lions
Panorama of Petra