BibTeX record conf/cvpr/DeAndres-TameTM22

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  author       = {Ivan DeAndres{-}Tame and
                  Ruben Tolosana and
                  Pietro Melzi and
                  Rub{\'{e}}n Vera{-}Rodr{\'{\i}}guez and
                  Minchul Kim and
                  Christian Rathgeb and
                  Xiaoming Liu and
                  Aythami Morales and
                  Julian Fi{\'{e}}rrez and
                  Javier Ortega{-}Garcia and
                  Zhizhou Zhong and
                  Yuge Huang and
                  Yuxi Mi and
                  Shouhong Ding and
                  Shuigeng Zhou and
                  Shuai He and
                  Lingzhi Fu and
                  Heng Cong and
                  Rongyu Zhang and
                  Zhihong Xiao and
                  Evgeny Smirnov and
                  Anton Pimenov and
                  Aleksei Grigorev and
                  Denis Timoshenko and
                  Kaleb Mesfin Asfaw and
                  Cheng{-}Yaw Low and
                  Hao Liu and
                  Chuyi Wang and
                  Qing Zuo and
                  Zhixiang He and
                  Hatef Otroshi{-}Shahreza and
                  Anjith George and
                  Alexander Unnervik and
                  Parsa Rahimi and
                  S{\'{e}}bastien Marcel and
                  Pedro C. Neto and
                  Marco Huber and
                  Jan Niklas Kolf and
                  Naser Damer and
                  Fadi Boutros and
                  Jaime S. Cardoso and
                  Ana Filipa Sequeira and
                  Andrea Atzori and
                  Gianni Fenu and
                  Mirko Marras and
                  Vitomir Struc and
                  Jiang Yu and
                  Zhangjie Li and
                  Jichun Li and
                  Weisong Zhao and
                  Zhen Lei and
                  Xiangyu Zhu and
                  Xiaoyu Zhang and
                  Bernardo Biesseck and
                  Pedro Vidal and
                  Luiz Coelho and
                  Roger Granada and
                  David Menotti},
  title        = {Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at {CVPR} 2024: Face Recognition Challenge
                  in the Era of Synthetic Data},
  booktitle    = {{IEEE/CVF} Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
                  {CVPR} 2024 - Workshops, Seattle, WA, USA, June 17-18, 2024},
  pages        = {3173--3183},
  publisher    = {{IEEE}},
  year         = {2024},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1109/CVPRW63382.2024.00323},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 25 Nov 2024 07:52:55 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}