...and don't miss The Agency on Paramount+, Our Little Secret on Netflix and more!
Batman: Caped Crusader returns the co-creator of the 90s’ Batman: The Animated Series to telling the Gotham crimefighter’s stories.
One of the final DCEU movies flopped last summer. But maybe it's worth watching at home a year later.
...plus a new season of The Kardashians on Hulu, and The Beach Boys on Disney+!
This weird streaming staple is Ben Affleck's past and future, and is about to rocket its way into the Netflix Top 10.
Maybe if you're on the goofy Momoa wavelength, you'll get more out of this visually cluttered extravaganza.
The movie is the first of a hopeful new franchise. "Hopeful" only if you're Zack Snyder, though.
Merry Little Batman is a delightful, light-hearted, Batman-themed Christmas movie.
...plus the new holiday comedy Family Switch on Netflix, Selena + Chef: Home For The Holidays on Max, + much more!
The two joined forces to promote the new Ice Spice Munchkins Drink.
The director said Suicide Squad was an "amazing, collaborative" project at first -- until Deadpool happened.
The two stars bested four other potential Clark Kents and Lois Lanes.
"Keaton is the Batman I first came to love."
First The Witcher, and now Superman? Rough year for Cavill.
A new start for the DCEU looks a lot like the old crappy stuff.
It’s fun, action-packed, and legitimately positive in ways that remind you why you might have gotten into comics and superheroes in the first place.
It's a talking-animal movie AND a superhero, all rolled up in one!
Justice League almost destroyed the star. Could Aquaman 2 burn him again?
The decision was down to Zack Snyder.
Is this THE Batman movie?