The author of the infamous tell-all Hollywood Babylon never made a full-length feature film, but his work was incredibly influential on filmmakers who got closer to the mainstream than he...
Margot Robbie and Brad Pitt almost keep this thing from flying off the rails. Almost.
Damien Chazelle's epic Hollywood extravaganza starring Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie is among the many new films streaming this week.
The 1913 Edith Wharton novel follows a Midwestern girl trying to break into New York society.
The Oscar winner's first TV series is like the jazz music it celebrates: interesting in parts, very frustrating in others.
The Cold War star is heating things up in The Eddy.
...Plus search for The Goldfinch, find out who is Dead to Me, get Charmed and more.
The Eddy comes to Netflix May 8.
Stenberg will play Julie, the teenage daughter of Andre Holland's Parisian club owner.
Kulig will play a troubled singer opposite Andre Holland's jazz club owner.
The musical drama revolves around a Parisian jazz club, its owner, the house band, and the chaotic city that surrounds them.
Chazelle will write and direct all eight episodes of the series.
Details of the series’ plot are being kept under wraps, but Chazelle will write and direct every episode.
Everyone who complained about Gosling's character being too much of a mansplainer missed the point.
The honor is part of the 2017 AMD British Academy Britannia Awards, taking place October 27 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles.
The eight-part series will be called 'The Eddy' and is set in France.
Forget about awards, comparisons, or expectations and sit down with 'La La Land,' an imperfect but deeply impressive movie musical.
Set in modern-day Paris, the series follows the owner of a music club and its house band as they cope with the volatile city that surrounds them.
If you turned off the TV once Faye Dunaway said "La La Land," we have some news for you.
Director Damien Chazelle is the youngest director to ever win the Oscar.