The OPA628 is a low distortion, wideband operationalamplifier. It features low differential gain error of0.015% and low differential phase error of 0.015° atNTSC and PAL frequencies with a 150W load (a backterminated75W cable). The 0.1dB gain flatness to30MHz, and the excellent differential gain and phasemake the OPA628 ideal for broadcast quality videoapplications. In addition, the spurious free dynamicrange of 90dB makes the OPA628 an excellent choiceto buffer the input of precision Analog-to-Digital converters.It can also be used to provide a buffer for theoutput of precision high speed Digital-to-Analog converters.The two-tone third-order intercept of theOPA628 is 60dBm.The OPA628 is a unity gain stable, voltage feedbackoperational amplifier. It has all of the benefits associatedwith voltage feedback amplifiers includinghigh input impedance, high common mode rejection,and symmetrical differential input flexibility. Theunity gain bandwidth of the OPA628 is 160MHz. Thelow noise of 2.5nV/ÖHz and low noise figure of 9dB(RS = 50W) make the OPA628 very useful in precisionapplications requiring wide dynamic range.The superior distortion performance of the OPA628 isachieved by its multistage architecture which provideshigh open-loop gain. The distortion performance is additionally enhanced by separating the power suppliesto the input and output stages requiring fourpower supply connections as shown in the blockdiagram below. This separation of supplies eliminatesthe effects of package and wire bond parasitic capacitanceand inductance. The OPA628 is powered with±5VDC supplies for low power dissipation. TheOPA628 is available in 8-pin SOIC package. Thetemperature range is –40°C to +85°C.
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