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A Comparison of Student and Instructor Preferences for Design and Pedagogy Features in Postsecondary Online Courses

A Comparison of Student and Instructor Preferences for Design and Pedagogy Features in Postsecondary Online Courses

Xiaolin C. Hu, Edward L. Meyen
Copyright: © 2011 |Volume: 1 |Issue: 3 |Pages: 17
ISSN: 2155-6873|EISSN: 2155-6881|EISBN13: 9781613508695|DOI: 10.4018/ijopcd.2011070101
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Hu, Xiaolin C., and Edward L. Meyen. "A Comparison of Student and Instructor Preferences for Design and Pedagogy Features in Postsecondary Online Courses." IJOPCD vol.1, no.3 2011: pp.1-17.


Hu, X. C. & Meyen, E. L. (2011). A Comparison of Student and Instructor Preferences for Design and Pedagogy Features in Postsecondary Online Courses. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD), 1(3), 1-17.


Hu, Xiaolin C., and Edward L. Meyen. "A Comparison of Student and Instructor Preferences for Design and Pedagogy Features in Postsecondary Online Courses," International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD) 1, no.3: 1-17.

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This study investigates the preferences of instructors and students for design and pedagogy features of online instruction at the post-secondary level. Participants included 60 instructors and 200 students at a comprehensive research university. Correlation coefficients of .95 on the design item rankings and .87 on the pedagogy item rankings were found between instructors and students. An independent sample T-test was conducted, resulting in a finding of significant difference between the preferences of instructors and students on 19 of 63 features. Additional findings included the high level of agreement on design and pedagogy features among all students as a group and subgroups (e.g., students earning regular university credit and those pursuing professional development goals.) An interesting finding was the concurrence in the low preferences by instructors and students. Both groups rated low those features pertaining to social networking and collaboration.

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