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The Recovery and Resilience Facility

The RRF is also crucial for implementing the REPowerEU plan – the Commission’s response to the socio-economic hardships and global energy market disruption caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

€650 billion*
to invest in reforms and projects
of which:
€359 billion
of funds
in grants
€291 billion
of funds
in loans

*With the amended RRF Regulation, additional grants under the Emissions Trading System (ETS) and Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) have been made available to Member States. Therefore, the EUR 359 billion in grants is now split in EUR 338 billion of original RRF grants, EUR 19 billion in ETS grants and EUR 2 billion in BAR grants. Furthermore, Member States could request loan support until August 2023. Of the total available envelope of EUR 385 billion, close to EUR 291 billion has been committed by end 2023. These two changes (more grants available through ETS and BAR and less loans requested than the total available envelope) result in a total RRF envelope of EUR 650 billion by mid-October 2024. The previously mentioned amount of EUR 723 billion represented the maximum amount of RRF grants (EUR 338 billion) and RRF loans (EUR 385 billion) according to the RRF Regulation.


The REPowerEU plan recognised that the Recovery and Resilience Facility can play an important role in achieving secure, affordable and clean energy. By providing additional EU funding, the Facility will help EU countries make the critical reforms and investment needed to rapidly end their dependence on Russian fossil fuels.

European Semester

Starting from its 2022 cycle, the European Semester process was adapted to take into account the creation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility and the implementation of the recovery and resilience plans.

RRF events cards

This section provides information on the various events organised to discuss the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, including of the Recovery and Resilience Plans in the Member States. Visit the section to find out more about the RRF events.

Learn more about the RRF

Learn about the impact the RRF is having on citizens and businesses across the EU. This section provides a collection of RRF related factsheets and insights for your information.


The Recovery and Resilience Facility in your country

Member States use the funds provided by the Recovery and Resilience Facility to implement ambitious reforms and investment to make their economies and societies more sustainable, resilient and prepared for the green and digital transitions. Explore the pages below to find out about your country’s recovery and resilience plan and how it is being implemented.

Country pages

These pages contain all relevant country-specific information, including the recovery and resilience plans, the Commission’s assessment of the plans as well as information on payments requested by the Member States and funds paid out by the Commission.

European Semester in your country

This section brings together the country-specific documents related to the European Semester, notably (i) country reports, (ii) national programmes on reforms and fiscal adjustment, (iii) the assessment of these programmes, (iv) country-specific recommendations by the EU, and (v) draft budgetary plans.

Map of projects supported by the Recovery and Resilience Facility

This map provides examples of reforms and investments supported by the Recovery and Resilience Facility in the different EU Member States. It is not an exhaustive database of projects supported by the Facility and will be regularly updated as the implementation progresses. The funding amounts shown reflect the initial cost estimates included in the national recovery and resilience plans.

Other information
