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Putnok is a town in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County in Northern Hungary. It lies 40 km (25 mi) away from Miskolc, between the Bükk Mountains and the river Sajó.



The area has been inhabited since Neolithic times. Putnok developed a lot in the 19th century, but it lost its town status in 1881. It lost its importance, in many senses its role was taken over by Ózd, still it got its town status back in 1989.

Aggtelek together with Jósvafő are famous for their huge and beautiful karst cave system. Aggtelek's karst caves (together with caves in nearby Slovak Karst National Park) have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Baradla Cave is nearly 24 km (15 mi) long, of which 5.6 km (3.5 mi) kilometers go under Slovakia. The average height of the cave is 8 m (26 ft) and the average width 10 m (33 ft). The cavern called the Giants' Hall is 125 m (410 ft) long, 55 m (180 ft) wide and 30 m (98 ft) high, making the cavern one of the most spectacular tourist attractions in the world – even though it is one of the least known and least visited.

Get in


By train


Trains are available from Miskolc via Kazincbarcika in every two hours. From Budapest you have to transfer in Miskolc. The whole journey from Budapest takes 3 hours and costs 4250 Ft. Other direct connections are:

  • Toward west: Ózd in every two hours.

1 Putnok Train Station, Állomás út 1, +36 1 349-4949, . Ticket office: M–Sa 05:20–15:50, Su 06:20–16:50. Putnok railway station (Q22072803) on Wikidata

By bus


Frequent buses are available from Miskolc to Putnok. The journey takes about one hour and costs 745 Ft. Direct buses from Budapest-Stadion to Aggtelek and Jósvafő are available once a day. The journey takes 4½ hours and costs 4305 Ft.

Get around


There is no local public transport or taxi service. You can use the regional buses operated by Volánbusz.


Serényi Mansion
Bell Tower in Aggtelek

In Putnok:

  • 1 Gömör Museum (Gömöri Múzeum), Serényi László tér 10, +36 48 800-640, . M–F 08:00–16:00. Local history collection. Presentation of traditional crafts, ethnographic monuments. Adult: 400 Ft; senior, student: 200 Ft.
  • 2 László Holló Gallery (Holló László Galéria), Rákóczi út 14, +36 48 430-909, . M–F 09:00–16:00, Sa 10:00–14:00. The museum presents the works of the painter László Holló. Adult: 400 Ft; senior, student: 200 Ft.
  • 3 Serényi Mansion (Serényi-kastély), Serényi László tér 2. Built in 1834 in Classicist style. Serényi mansion in Putnok (Q1287331) on Wikidata
  • 4 Trinity Roman Catholic Church (Szentháromság római katolikus templom), Serényi László tér. Build in 1835 in Classicist style. Holy Trinity Church (Putnok) (Q20478805) on Wikidata

In Aggtelek:

  • 5 Baradla Cave (Aggtelek entrance) (Baradla-barlang (aggteleki bejárat)), Baradla oldal 1, Aggtelek, +36 48 503-003, . 10:00–17:00. The length of the trip is 1,000 m (3,300 ft), and takes about 60 minutes. Adult: 2900 Ft; senior, student: 2200 Ft.
  • 6 Baradla Cave (Vörös Lake entrance) (Baradla-barlang (Vörös-tói bejárat)), Vörös-tó, Aggtelek, +36 48 350-037, . 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00. It's the longest lit section of the Baradla Cave. The tour departs at Vörös Lake entrance and terminates at the Jósvafő entrance. It takes approximately 100 minutes to traverse. Adult: 3200 Ft; senior, student: 2400 Ft.
  • 7 Reformed Bell Tower (Református harangtorony), Deák Ferenc utca 2, Aggtelek. Built in 1804 in Baroque style. Bell tower (Aggtelek) (Q1033825) on Wikidata
  • 8 Reformed Church (Református templom), Gömöri út 31, Aggtelek. It is of medieval origin. Completely rebuilt between 1861–1864. (Q1246749) on Wikidata
  • 9 Aggtelek Lake (Aggteleki-tó), Aggtelek. Still water formed in a clogged sinkhole.
  • 10 Baradla Nature Trail (Baradla-tanösvény), Aggtelek. 7.5 km (4.7 mi) long nature trail connecting Aggtelek and Jósvafő cave entrances. It has 21 stations showing the diversity of karst areas.

In Gömörszőlős:

  • 11 Ethnographic Collection and Small Gallery (Néprajzi gyűjtemény és kisgaléria), Kassai út 55, Gömörszőlős, +36 48 435-017, . Only by appointment. The museum presents the tools of hemp processing, everyday tools, earthenware, other kitchen and pantry equipment, woodworking tools, typical furniture. Traditional means of transport and farming, everyday tools of peasant families. 300 Ft.
  • 12 Reformed Church (Református templom), Kassai út 56, Gömörszőlős. Built in 1824.
Cave entrance in Jósvafő
Heritage House in Jósvafő

In Jósvafő:

  • 13 Baradla Cave (Jósvafő entrance) (Baradla-barlang (jósvafői bejárat)), Tengerszem oldal 3, Jósvafő, +36 48 506-009, . 11:00 15:00. The length of the round trip from the entrance of the Baradla Cave and returning to the same place is 1,400 m (4,600 ft), and takes about 60 minutes. Adult: 2700 Ft; senior, student: 2000 Ft.
  • 14 Heritage House (Tájház), Dózsa György utca 3, Jósvafő, +36 48 506-214, . Apr–Sep: 10:00–16:00. Typical peasant port built at the end of the 19th century. The museum shows the life of the village in previous centuries.
  • 15 Hubert Kessler Memorial House (Kessler Hubert Emlékház), Tengerszem oldal 1, Jósvafő, +36 48 506-009. 08:00–16:00. Memorial house for the famous caveman, Hubert Kessler.
  • 16 Baradla Gallery (Baradla Galéria), Szabadság utca 3, Jósvafő, +36 30 415-5069. Only by appointment. Private collection in a renovated traditional folk house. It presents works of art inspired by the Aggtelek Karst.
  • 17 Reformed Church (Református templom), Dózsa György utca 4, Jósvafő. Built in the 18th century in Baroque style. Reformed Church, Jósvafő (Q1246757) on Wikidata
  • 18 Tarn (Tengerszem), Jósvafő. Free to visit.
  • 19 Hucul Herd (Hucul-ménes), Jósvafő.
  • 20 Tohonya-Kuriszlán Nature Trail (Tohonya-Kuriszlán-tanösvény), Jósvafő. 4–6 km (2.5–3.7 mi) long nature trail showing the landscape values, the karst surface and the most characteristic habitats.

In Kelemér:

  • 21 Mihály Tompa Memorial House (Tompa Mihály Emlékház), Tompa Mihály út 61, Kelemér, +36 30 427-7567, . Only by appointment. The museum shows the personal memories of Mihály Tompa, as well as his literary and ecclesiastical relations. (Q71996292) on Wikidata
  • 22 Mohos House (Mohos-ház), Tompa Mihály út 129, Kelemér, +36 30 6311-722, . Only by appointment. The exhibition presents the Mohos Lakes, the history of Mohosvár and the landscape and cultural history of the village.
  • 23 Reformed Church (Református templom), Tompa Mihály út 63, Kelemér. Built in the 14th century in Gothic style.
  • 24 Mohos Lakes (Mohos-tavak). Nature reserve. Free to visit. Mohos Lakes (Q1178400) on Wikidata

In Ragály:

  • 25 Bálint Balassi Memorial Exhibition (Balassi Bálint emlékkiállítás), Rákóczi Ferenc utca 10, Ragály, +36 48 354-001. M–F 08:00–16:00. Adult: 300 Ft, student: 150 Ft.
  • 26 Balassa Mansion (Balassa-kastély), Rákóczi Ferenc utca 16, Ragály. Built in 1743 in Baroque style. Extended and rebuilt in Eclectic style at the end of the 19th century. (Q789157) on Wikidata
  • 27 Reformed Church (Református templom), Rákóczi Ferenc utca, Ragály. Build in the 13th century, rebuilt in the 18th century in Baroque style.

In Sajóvelezd:


“Minerva's helmet” in Baradla Cave
Mohos House in Kelemér


  • 1 Coop, Kossuth út 19, +36 48 430-122. M–F 06:00–19:00, Sa 06:00–15:00. Supermarket.
  • 2 Barlang ABC, Kossuth Lajos út 57/b, Aggtelek. M–F 07:00–17:00, Sa 07:00–12:00, Su 08:00–11:30.
  • 3 Kecső ABC, Petőfi Sándor utca 46, Jósvafő. M–F 07:00–17:00, Sa 07:00–14:00, Su 07:00–11:00.


This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink:
BudgetUnder 1600 Ft
Mid-range1600 Ft2200 Ft
SplurgeOver 2200 Ft






Baradla Restaurant in Aggtelek
Baradla Cave


  • 1 Gesztenyés Pub (Gesztenyés söröző), Állomás út 2. M–F 07:00–20:00, Sa Su 08:00–20:00.
  • 2 Fincsi Ice Cream Shop, Petőfi Sándor utca 46, Jósvafő. May–Sep: 11:00–18:30.
  • 3 Gerendás Pub, Dózsa György utca 4, Felsőnyárád. 07:00–20:00.
  • 4 Hangulat Pub (Hangulat söröző), Kossuth Lajos utca 72, Ragály, +36 48 886-461. 6:00–20:30.
  • 5 Jósva Pub (Jósva söröző), Petőfi Sándor utca 43, Jósvafő. 06:30–20:30.
  • 6 Liget Pub (Liget söröző), Petőfi Sándor út 2, Zubogy, +36 30 708-4535, . M–Th 07:00–21:00, F 07:00–23:00, Sa 09:00–23:00, Su 09:00–21:00.


This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room:
BudgetUnder 6000 Ft
Mid-range6000 Ft11,000 Ft
SplurgeOver 11,000 Ft




Tengerszem Hotel in Jósvafő
Trinity Roman Catholic Church





Putnok's postal code is H-3630, and its telephone area code is 48.

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