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Longobards in Italy. Places of the Power (568-774 A.D.) is a world heritage site, listed in 2011. It consists of 7 components around Italy.



The Longobards or Lombards was a Germanic tribe that ruled much of the Italian peninsula during the Early Middle Ages. Lombardian architecture was a synthesis of Roman, Byzantian, Germanic styles, and they played a "major role in the spiritual and cultural development of Medieval European Christianity". Seven fine and notable examples of Lombardian religious architecture around Italy make up this world heritage site.


Map of Longobard sites
  • 1 The Gastaldaga area and the Episcopal complex, Cividale del Friuli.
  • 2 The monumental area with the monastic complex of San Salvatore-Santa Giulia, Brescia.
  • 3 The castrum with the Torba Tower and the church outside the walls, Santa Maria foris portas (10 km northwest of Tradate).
  • 4 The basilica of San Salvatore, Spoleto.
  • 5 The Clitunno Tempietto (between Trevi and Spoleto).
  • 6 The Santa Sofia complex (Benevento, 20 km north of Avellino).
  • 7 The Sanctuary of San Michele, Monte Sant'Angelo.

See also

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