Moscow Central-South is in Moscow and also part of Central Moscow. There are Yakimanka North & Zamoskvoreche North - historic districts, located in the southern part of the center of Moscow on the right bank of the Moskva River to the Garden Ring.
[edit]Characterized by architecturally harmonious preserved low-rise buildings. There are also many embassies in this area.
Get in
[edit]Near to the Garden Ring is:
- 1 Paveletsky station (Павелецкий вокзал), Paveletskaya Square (Metro 2, 5: Paveletskaya), ☏ +7 499 235-1214, toll-free: 800 775 0000. Suburban electric trains.- Express electric trains depart to Domodedovo Airport. - The destinations southern destinations.
All airports & bus stations faraway. See more at Moscow Get in chapter.
Get around
[edit]Metro Stations
[edit]Novokuznetskaya, Tretyakovskaya - north and center
Paveletskaya-Radialnaya, Paveletskaya-Koltsevaya - south-east
Dobryninskaya - south-west
See more at Moscow Get around chapter.
[edit]- 1 Church of the Martyr Catherine on the Field (Храм великомученицы Екатерины на Всполье), Yakimanka district, Ulitsa Bolshaya Ordynka, 60/2 (M: Dobryninskaya 0.5km S, Polyanka 0.6km NW). 1775. Russian Orthodox
- 2 Church of Saint Nicholas in Kusnetsy (Церковь Святителя Николая Чудотворца в Кузнецах), Zamoskvorechye district, Vishnyakovskiy pereulok, 15 (M:Paveletskaya 0.7km S, Novokuznetskaya 0.7km N, Tretyakovskaya 0.7km NW). 1805 Russian Orthodox
- 3 Church of Sophia, Wisdom of God, in Srednyye Sadovniki (Храм Софии – Премудрости Божией в Средних Садовниках), Yakimanka district, Sofiyskaya naberezhnaya, 32 (M:Novokuznetskaya 0.9km SE, Tretyakovskaya 0.9km S). 1682. Russian Orthodox
- 4 Church of the Martyr George the Victorious in Yendovo (Храм великомученика Георгия Победоносца в Ендове), Zamoskvorechye district,Sadovnicheskaya ulitsa, 6 (M: Novokuznetskaya 0.8km S, Tretyakovskaya 0.8km S). 1653. Russian Orthodox
- 5 Church of Saint Nicholas in Sayaitskoye (Храм Николая Чудотворца в Заяицком), Zamoskvorechye district, 2-y Raushskiy pereulok, 1 (M: Novokuznetskaya 1km SW, Tretyakovskaya 1km SW, Metro Kitay-gorod 0.8km N). 1759 Russian Orthodox
- 6 Church of Saint Nicholas on the Bersenevka (Храм Николая Чудотворца на Берсеневке), Yakimanka, Bersenevskaya naberezhnaya, 18 (M:Kropotkinskaya 0.6km W, Borovitskaya 0.8km N). 1657. Russian Orthodox
- 7 Church of the Martyr Saint Clement of Rome (Храм священномученика Климента, Папы Римского), Zamoskvorechye district,Pyatnitskaya ulitsa, 26/7 (M:Tretyakovskaya 0.2km W,Novokuznetskaya 0.3km NE). 1662. Russian Orthodox
- 8 Church of the Feast Day of the Decapitation of John the Baptist ahead the Forest (Храм Усекновения главы Иоанна Предтечи под Бором), Zamoskvorechye district, Chernigovskiy pereulok, 3 (M: Novokuznetskaya 0.3km SE, Tretyakovskaya 0.5km S). 1675. Russian Orthodox
- 9 Church of Saint Gregory of Neocaesarea (Храм святителя Григория, епископа Неокесарийского), Zamoskvorechye district, Ulitsa Bolshaya Polyanka, 29А (M:Polyanka 0.1km SW, Tretyakovskaya 0.6km NE). 1679. -Russian Orthodox
- 10 Church of the Protection of the Theotokos in the Mary and the Theokos Parish of the Sister of Mercy (Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Марфо-Марьинской обители сестёр милосердия), Yakimanka district, Ulitsa Bolshaya Ordynka, 34 (M: Polyanka 0.4km W, Tretyakovskaya 0.4km NE). 1912. Russian Orthodox
- 11 Church of St. John the Warrior (Церковь Иоанна Воина, Tserkov' Ivana Voina), Bolshaya Yakimanka (ул. Б.Якиманка), 46 (M: Oktyabrskaya 400m S), ☏ +7 499 238-20-56. - It is a Russian Orthodox church built in 1704-1717, during the reign of Peter the Great. The church combines elements of the Muscovite baroque style with the Ukrainian baroque and European influences prevalent in Russian architecture of Peter's reign.
- 12 Church of the Venerable Hermit Maron (Храм преподобного пустынника Марона), Yakimanka district, 1-y Babyegorodskiy pereulok, 3 (M:Polyanka 0.5km E, Oktyabrskaya 0.8km S). 1730 Russian Orthodox
- 13 Church of the Archangel Michael in Ovchinniki (Храм Архангела Михаила в Овчинниках), Zamoskvorechye district, Sredniy Ovchinnikovskiy pereulok, 7 (M: Novokuznetskaya 0.4km SW). 17th century Russian Orthodox
- 14 Church of the Orthodox Ruler Michael and of the Boyar Theodor of Chernigov (Храм Черниговских чудотворцев благоверного князя Михаила и боярина Феодора), Zamoskvorechye district, (M:Novokuznetskaya 0.3km SE). 1572. Russian Orthodox
- 15 Church of Saint Nicholas in Golutvino (Храм Николая Чудотворца в Голутвине), Yakimanka district, 1-y Golutvinskiy pereulok, 14 (M:Polyanka 0.5km E, Tretyakovskaya 1km E). 1687 Russian Orthodox
- 16 Church of Saint Nicholas in Pyzhy (Храм Николая Чудотворца в Пыжах), Zamoskvorechye district, Ulitsa Bolshaya Ordynka, 27А/8 (M:Tretyakovskaya 0.2km N, Novokuznetskaya 0.5km NE, Polyanka 0.5km SW). 1657. Russian Orthodox
- 17 Church of Saint Nicholas in Tolmachy (Храм Николая Чудотворца в Толмачах), Yakimanka district, Malyy Tolmachevskiy pereulok, 9 (M:Tretyakovskaya 0.4km E, Polyanka 0.5km S, Novokuznetskaya 0.6km E). 1697. Russian Orthodox
- 18 Church of the Theotokos icon "Joy of all who Sorrow" on the Ordynka (Храм иконы Божией Матери «Всех скорбящих Радость» на Большой Ордынке), Yakimanka district, Ulitsa Bolshaya Ordynka, 20 (M:Tretyakovskaya 0.2km SE, Novokuznetskaya 0.4km E). 1685. Russian Orthodox
- 19 Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in the Cossacks Quarter (Храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в Казачьей слободе), Yakimanka district, Ulitsa Bolshaya Polyanka, 37 (M:Polyanka 0.2km NW, Tretyakovskaya 0.7km NE). 1697. Russian Orthodox
- 20 Church of the Theotokos icon of Iviron at the Field (Храм Иверской иконы Божией Матери на Всполье), Zamoskvorechye district, Ulitsa Bolshaya Ordynka, 39 (M:Polyanka 0.4km W, Tretyakovskaya 0.5km N). 1802. Russian Orthodox
- 21 Church of the Theotokos icon of Iviron in the former Iviron Parish of the Gracious Sister of Mercy (Храм Иверской иконы Божией Матери при бывшей Иверской общины сестёр милосердия), Yakimanka district, Ulitsa Bolshaya Polyanka, 20 (M:Polyanka 0.2km SE, Tretyakovskaya 0.6km NE, Novokuznetskaya 0.9km NE, Tretyakovskaya 0.8km E). 1901. Russian Orthodox
- 22 Marfo-Mariinsky Convent (Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy in the Possession of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, Марфо-Мариинская обитель, Марфо-Мариинская обитель милосердия во владении великой княгини Елизаветы Фёдоровны), Bolsaya Ordynka ( ул. Б. Ордынка), 34 (M: Polyanka 0.3km W, Tretyakovskaya 0.4km NE), ☏ +7 495 951-1139. A female convent, founded in 1908 by Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna (sister of Alexandra Feodorovna, the last Empress of Russia) to assist sick, wounded, and maimed soldiers in their recovery, and to provide for the needs of the poor and orphans. - In 1908-12, Aleksey Shchusev designed the Church of Saints Martha and Mary and the Holy Protection Cathedral, both structures being Art Nouveau renderings of a medieval Novgorod architectural type. The cathedral's snow-white walls are adorned with carved crosses. The interior contains frescoes and mosaics.
- 23 St. Clement's Church (Храм Священномученика Климента, Папы Римского), Zamoskvorechye, Pyatnitskaya ulitsa, 26 (Novokuznetskaya 200m N, Tretyakovskaya 200m W). 08.30-20.00. - One of the two Orthodox churches in Moscow dedicated to a Roman Pope, St. Clement I. The massive five-domed two-storey church built between 1762 and 1769 on the site of a church erected in 1720. The belfry and refectory were designed in the 1750s. The church is renowned for its glittering Baroque interior and iconostasis, as well as a set of gilded 18th-century railings. The Lenin State Library stored its books in the building throughout the Soviet period.
- 24 Cathedral of the Protection of the Theotokos (Покровский собор), Zamoskvorechye district, Novokuznetskaya ulitsa, 38 (M:Paveletskaya 0.2km SE). 1910 Old Believers (Old-Orthodox)
- 25 Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus on the Bolvanovka (Храм Спаса Преображения на Болвановке), Zamoskvorechye district, 2-y Novokuznetskiy pereulok, 10 (M: Paveletskaya 0.5km SE, Tretyakovskaya 0.8m NW). 1755. Russian Orthodox
- 26 Church of the Holy Trinity in Vishnyaki (Храм Живоначальной Троицы в Вишняках), Zamoskvorechye district, Pyatnitskaya ulitsa, 51 (M: Tretyakovskaya 0.6km N, Polyanka 0.7km W). 1811. Russian Orthodox
- 27 Old Mosque (Московская историческая мечеть, Moskovskaya istoricheskaya mechet), 28, Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street, ☏ +7 495 951-84-48.
[edit]- Bakhrushin museum of theater, Zamoskvoreche district, (Corner of Bakhrushina Street and Garden Ring). built in 1896
- 28 Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography (Центр фотографии имени братьев Люмьер), Zamoskvorechye raion, Bolotnaya naberezhnaya (Болотная набережная), 3 (M:Kropotkinskaya 0.8km W or Tretyakovskaya 1.0km E), ☏ +7 495 228-9878. Tu-F 12.00-21.00; Sa, Su 11.00-21.00. - It boasts a wide collection of vintages and late authors' prints, and offers a window into the history of Russian photography of the period.
- 29 'House on the Embankment' Museum (Музей «Дом на набережной»), Yakimanka district, Ulitsa Serafimovicha (ул.Серафимовича), 2 (M:Kropotkinskaya, Oktyabrskaya Polyanka (Кропоткинская, Октябрьская, Полянка), then Trolleybus 1, 4, 33, 62 to the stop Cinema Drummer (Кинотеатр «Ударник»), Log in to the right of the first entrance.), ☏ +7 495 959 49 36. by appointment?.
- 30 Tretyakov Gallery (Государственная Третьяковская Галерея), Yakimanka district, Lavrushinsky Lane, 10 (Metro: Tretyakovskaya or Novokuznetskaya). Th-F 10:00-21:00 (ticket office and last admission until 20.00); Tu,W,Sa,Su 10:00-18:00 (ticket office and last admission until 17.00). Closed Mondays.. One of the world's greatest museums, this is probably the one to choose if you only want to visit one museum in Moscow. In contrast to the worldwide collection of the Pushkin Museum, the Tretyakov is mostly a collection of Russian art. It has the best collection of Russian icons and many of the most famous pieces of modern Russian artists like Ilya Repin. Adults: 450 руб, Students: 300 руб.
- (NB: There are actually two Tretyakov museums now, the classic one and the 20th Century one. The classic one is where it has always been, the 20th Century one is in the Artist's House Cultural Centre across from Gorky Park. They charge separate entry fees.)
- Tretyakov Gallery exhibition hall, Yakimanka district, Krymsky Val. There is nearby a sculpture park
- 31 Art Museum of Vasili Tropinin and his contemporaries, Yakimanka district, Schetininsky, 10.
- Averky Kirillov estate, Yakimanka district, Bersenevka. Call by appointment.
- Marat Gelman gallery, Yakimanka district, Malaya Polyanka, 7/7.
[edit]- 32 Garden of Fallen Monuments (Park of the Fallen Heroes, Парк иску́сств Музео́н, Park Muzeon) (Metro: Oktyabrskaya). Where many infamous statues in Moscow were placed after the Soviet collapse. See Dzherzinsky, Stalin, Brezhnev, and others. Adjacent to the New Tretyakov Museum, which houses 20th century art. After the Pushkin Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery, this is worth seeing.
- 33 Art Fountain (Фонтан искусств в Лаврушинском переулке), Lavrushinskom Lane (Лаврушинский переулок) (M: Tretyakov). Built for the 150th anniversary of the Tretyakov Gallery, opened in May 2006
- 34 (Памятник Петру I, Фонтан-памятник 300-летию Российского флота на Москве-реке) (on the Moscow River). This is a 98-metre-high monument to Peter the Great, located at the western confluence of the Moskva River and the Vodootvodny Canal in central Moscow. It was designed by the Georgian designer Zurab Tsereteli to commemorate 300 years of the Russian Navy, which Peter the Great established. It was erected in 1997 and is the eighth tallest statue in the world. It weighs around 1,000 tons and contains 600 tons of stainless steel, bronze and copper
- 35 Water jet (Фонтанный комплекс на Водоотводном канале) (Near the Luzhkov Bridge, between Bolotnaya Square and Lavrushinkiy Street).
- 36 Fountain on Bolotnaya Square (Repinskiy Fountain,). One of the few fountains built in the Stalin era,1948.
- 18th - early 19th century buildings, Pyatnitskaya Street Nn. 18, 19, 31, 44, 46, 67.
- 18th - early 19th century buildings in Bolshaya Ordynka Street, Bolshaya Ordynka Street Nn. 21, 41, 45.
- 19th century housing and military institutions in Sadovnicheskaya Street, Sadovnicheskaya Street Nn. 57, 59.
- 19th century buildings in Novokuznetskaya Street Nn. 28, 29, 31, Novokuznetskaya Street Nn. 28, 29, 31.
- New Kriegskomissariat, Kosmodamianskaya, 24-26. and adjacent historical buildings Nn. 28
- School 518. - (1935), the only listed postconstructivism memorial building
[edit]- 1 Moscow International House of Music in Red Hills (Moscow International Performing Arts Centre, Dom Muzyki, Московский международный Дом музыки), Kosmodamianskaya naberezhnaya (Космодамианская набережная), 52 (M: Paveletskaya 0.8Km), ☏ +7 495 730-1011.
- 2 Maly Theater (Малый театр, Imperial Moscow Theatre Императорский московский театр), Teatralny proezd (Театральный проезд) (M: Teatralnaya 0.3m SW, Okhotnyy Ryad 0.4km SW, Kuznetskiy Most 0.4km NE, Ploshchad' Revolyutsii 0.4km S), ☏ +7 495 624-4046, Cashiers M-F 11:00-20:00, Sa-Su 11:00-19:00. built in 1915 as Struisky Theater. - The second stage: Ul. Bolshaya Ordynka, 69 (ул. Большая Ордынка, д. 69, м. Добрынинская) . Tsvetnoy bulvar unit: Tsvetnoy bulvar (Цветном бульваре), 3
- Teatr Luny (Театр Луны), Malaya Ordynka, 31.
- Teatr Estrady. in the House on Embankment.
[edit]- 1 Grabli, Pyatnitskaya 27 (M. Tretyakovskaya / Novokuznetskaya). Daily 10:00-23:00. A chain that opened in July 2006 aiming to compete with Moo-Moo. While new, it offers better quality than Moo Moo. It's hard to predict how long its quality standards will live.
- 2 Kafe Mechta, Sadovnicheskaya ulitsa 84 building 7 (M: Paveletskaya 747m SW; M: Taganskaya 762 m E), ☏ +7 495 633-58-88. open 24 hours. posh interior with pretty elegant drinks and bon bons and other interesting plates.
- Starlite Diner (Старлайт), Koroviy Val Ulitsa, 9А (M.Polyanka, Tretyakovskaya), ☏ +7 495 959-89-19. 24 hr. A small chain of American-style diners, where you can still try Russian borsch or pelmeni. Popular among Moscow expats as almost first places run by foreigners; among Moscow middle-class crowd for quality food and fast service. Other units: - M.Universitet, Vernadskogo Ave., 6 (TC "Kapitoliy"), +7 495 783-4037; - M. Mayakovskaya, Bolshaya Sad, 16 (Aquarium Park), +7 495 650-0246; - Strastnoy, bul. 8a, +7 495 989-4461; - M.Oktyabrskaya, Korovy Val, 9a,+7 495 959-8919;
[edit]There are a few restaurants and pubs around the metro stations Novokuznetskaya and Tretyakovskaya.
[edit]- 1 Aquamarine Hotel Moscow, Naberezhnaya Ozerkovskaya, 26 (M: Tretyakovskaya 500 m (1,600 ft) W), ☏ +7 499 460-51-59, 159 exquisite rooms and suites are equipped with the latest multi-media technology and offer state-of-the-art business services. 3100-10000 руб, suites 20000-40000 руб.
- 2 ibis Bakhrushina, Bakhrushina street 11, ☏ +7 495 720-53-03, H8223@ACCOR.COM. The ibis Moscow Centre Bakhrushina hotel has 190 rooms with free wi-fi, restaurant and car park. It is close to Paveletskaya metro station and the AeroExpress to Domodedovo. from 3100 руб.
[edit]- 2 Mobile TeleSystems (or MTS) central office (Компания МТС), Ul. Bolshaya Yakimanka, 10/2 (M: Polyanka), ☏ +7 495 911 6553,