Things are looking up as millions of North Americans prepare to be dazzled by a celestial spectacle.
AGU News
A new home for the Landslide Blog
From 7 August 2023 this will be the new home of the Landslide Blog. All new posts will appear here. For now, older posts will remain on the AGU Blogosphere site.
Into the Wild Blue Yonder
Fieldwork takes scientists from the eye of a hurricane to the depths of the sea.
Demographic Data Support Inclusive and Equitable Publishing
AGU aims to increase inclusion in publishing. We need to have good data to show where we are and track our progress. Please help us by updating your profile today.
A Forest, for the Trees
Arrays of technologies and innovative research are helping scientists better understand forests, fires, and the future of our shared landscape.
New Directions for Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists
The AGU journal Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists is changing its aims and scope, removing its by-invitation requirement and adding several new community-serving article formats.
Making Waves
Sources of tsunamis are undersea, underground, and under the microscope in our October issue.
Notebooks Now! Elevating Computational Notebooks
AGU is launching a community-driven effort, funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, to support computational notebooks as primary research objects in scholarly publications.
Sewing DEI Into the Fabric of the Geosciences
AGU journals host a new living special collection on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the geosciences and invite additional contributions to grow this collection.
Myths, Legends, and Buried Hair
In our May issue of Eos, we’re seeking out innovations in volcanology.