High-resolution 3D maps show crevasse volume is increasing across most of the Greenland Ice Sheet as it accelerates toward the ocean, which could affect future ice loss and sea level rise.
Explaining Mars’ Mysteriously Magnetic Crust
Fluid-rock interactions on ancient Mars may have produced abundant magnetic minerals that preserved unusually intense records of the planet’s now-extinct magnetic field.
Erosion: An Overlooked Contributor to the Carbon Cycle
Since physical and chemical erosion yield comparable carbon fluxes, studying both together is essential to avoid biases in erosion-driven carbon flux estimates.
Topography and the Terrestrial Water Cycle
The relationship between topography and the terrestrial water cycle has been documented for thousands of years, yet there is still much to learn about Earth’s complex dynamics – both above, at, and below the surface.
Asian Megadeltas: Tackling Coastal Flooding Challenges
Integrating scientific insights into current actions is crucial for steering future research directions and underpinning informed management of coastal flooding in Asian deltas.
Food Insecurity Is Linked to Heart Disease and Diabetes in the United States
A new study examines the geographic and demographic connections between health and a lack of consistent access to food, finding that this link is particularly strong in the South.
The Interplay of ENSO and Immunity in Infectious Disease Outbreaks
El Niño and La Niña events can affect the spread of infectious diseases including cholera and dengue fever. The effects of some diseases may persist over several years.
How Do You Make Earth into an Icehouse?
A new model accurately reconstructs Earth’s past icehouses and indicates there’s no one driver behind them.
Simulating a Unique Wind System in a Kilometer-Scale Model
A new study shows that a kilometer-scale model can directly simulate aspects of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation.
¿Cómo podrían las estrategias de intervención climática solar afectar a la agricultura?
Los métodos de geoingeniería, como la inyección de aerosoles estratosféricos, prometen limitar el calentamiento, pero entre los muchos riesgos y preocupaciones potenciales, sus repercusiones en la agricultura permanecen en gran medida inexploradas.