Paper 2012/117

Universally Composable Security With Local Adversaries

Ran Canetti and Margarita Vald


The traditional approach to formalizing ideal-model based definitions of security for multi-party protocols models adversaries (both real and ideal) as centralized entities that control all parties that deviate from the protocol. While this centralized-adversary modeling suffices for capturing basic security properties such as secrecy of local inputs and correctness of outputs against coordinated attacks, it turns out to be inadequate for capturing security properties that involve restricting the sharing of information between separate adversarial entities. Indeed, to capture collusion-freeness and and game-theoretic solution concepts, Alwen [Crypto, 2012] propose a new ideal-model based definitional framework that involves a de-centralized adversary. We propose an alternative framework to that of Alwen et. al. We then observe that our framework allows capturing not only collusion-freeness and game-theoretic solution concepts, but also several other properties that involve the restriction of information flow among adversarial entities. These include some natural flavors of anonymity, deniability, timing separation, and information confinement. We also demonstrate the inability of existing formalisms to capture these properties. We then prove strong composition properties for the proposed framework, and use these properties to demonstrate the security, within the new framework, of two very different protocols for securely evaluating any function of the parties’ inputs.

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Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
Universal ComposabilityLocal Universal ComposabilityAnonymityDeniabilityConfinementGame-theoryConcurrent composition
Contact author(s)
margarita vald @ cs tau ac il
2012-05-17: last of 4 revisions
2012-03-04: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Ran Canetti and Margarita Vald},
      title = {Universally Composable Security With Local Adversaries},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2012/117},
      year = {2012},
      url = {}
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