served noise in TE. This becomes apparent when one
“reads” the circuit of Figure 1 with Thermodynamics in
mind: the suspicious dependence of the noise density
Sf kTR
A2/Hz on the resistance R* it is going to
drive, is the required one to have a mean square voltage
vt kTCV2 independent of R* for the
common case of circuits where
RC f
Since fQ > 6 THz at room T, any stray capacitance added
to the Cd = τd/R of a resistor [4] is enough to make true
this cQ
condition where the noise density
v (V2/Hz) is pro-
portional to R* whereas the circuit bandwidth is inversely
proportional to R*. This means that R* has nothing to do
with the integral of
Sf R
Sf kTR
vfrom f 0 to f , which
vt kTCV2, thus indicating that the root mean
square (rms) voltage noise does not depend on R*, but on
C. Hence, Fluctuations of energy in C are the mechanism
that generates the Nyquist noise
Sf4kT R
of a resistor, thus giving its advancing character to this
A-model for electrical noise contending that the circuit
element that generates the Johnson noise in resistors is
their capacitance. The complete view in time domain of
these Fluctuations of electrical energy followed by Dis-
sipations of the energy unbalance set by each Fluctuation
is given in [9].
Therefore, the FDT relates the mean square fluctuating
force (voltage) to the friction factor (conductance) in a
noise system provided fluctuations of energy can take
place in it. The non-null mass M (or inertia) of the large
particle sets this Degree of Freedom in [3] that in our
A-model is due to C. This is why we found hard to apply
the FDT to the pure resistance of [1], whose C = 0 (e.g. a
large particle of M = 0 in [3]), poses some troubles be-
cause the collision of a small particle with a “big one” of
null mass wouldn’t be a collision (e.g. no transfer of ki-
netic energy nor momentum would take place). This
non-sense situation for M = 0 shows the non-sense pro-
posal of [1] with C = 0, where only instantaneous fluc-
tuations of energy (e.g. δtc = 0) could store some energy
in such “device”, fluctuations that do not exist [7]. Note
that the assumption of this sort of “energy-conserving”
fluctuations in [3] (δtc = 0) led to the aforesaid paradox.
To conclude we will say that words like: totally elastic,
energy conserving, totally dissipative, pure resistance,
pure capacitance and so on must be used with care be-
cause they can exclude other phenomena that are essen-
tial to understand the problem at hand. This is so for
magnitudes like electrical power that depending on the
existence in time and on the change with time of the
electrical voltage has two orthogonal terms, none of
which describes completely the noisy system. Appendix
I shows active and reactive power as two orthogonal
terms of instantaneous power linked with Dissipation and
Fluctuation of electrical energy in resistors and capaci-
tors. It is worth reading where the electrical energy fluc-
tuating thermally was stored in the compound device
Nyquist used to apply Thermodynamics [7]. It was stored
in the Susceptances of a lossless Transmission Line,
whence it may be seen that two opposed susceptances
(capacitive and inductive) cancelling mutually at fre-
quency f0, don’t cancel their ability to store electrical
energy at this f0. Considering the need for this ability to
store energy in noisy systems as it appeared in the Clas-
sical works of Nyquist and Callen & Welton, we will
recover the Physical sense in this Fluctuation-Dissipation
field where electrical noise is perhaps its best known
exponent. And to end this paper showing the agreement
between Quantum Physics and Classical Thermodynam-
ics in the noise field we will say that this kind of agree-
ment also appears in other fields of Physics [10].
5. Acknowledgements
We wish to thank Prof. E. Iborra, head of the GMME, for
encouraging chats about the meaning of “well known” in
research. We also thank Prof. H. Solar for his cordial
welcome to give a talk on these ideas at CEIT, in the
Universidad de Navarra.
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