Rank The Big Four

Let’s do some educating before some of you get confused:
The Big Four refer to the four biggest bands of thrash metal, generally credited with making the genre’s greatest and most successful music. Specifically:

July 10th, 2015

For me:

  1. Anthrax
  2. Slayer
  3. Metallica
  4. Megadeth
July 10th, 2015

They’re all great, great bands, but if we’re ranking them by decade;

1. Metallica
2. Slayer
3. Megadeth
4. Anthrax, though I love Among :(

1. Megadeth
2. Anthrax
3. Slayer
4. Metallica

-00s and beyond
1. Megadeth
2. Anthrax
3. Slayer
4. Metallica

July 10th, 2015
  1. Metallica
  2. Slayer
  3. Megadeth
  4. Anthrax
July 10th, 2015

For me

  1. Megadeth
  2. Slayer
  3. Anthrax
  4. Metallica
July 10th, 2015

This takes into account ‘83 – '92 only, I own and enjoy every album from each of these bands between those years only.

  1. Slayer
  2. Metallica
  3. Megadeth
  4. Anthrax

Also, a fun little add on to this question that I always find interesting:

If it was actually The Big 5, which band would you choose to be the fifth?

Exodus for me, it’s the easiest choice, but the choice I agree with most.

July 15th, 2015


July 17th, 2015

I thought the Big Four were The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Led Zeppelin and Pink FLoyd :(

July 17th, 2015


July 17th, 2015

1 Megadeth (absolute best)
2 Metallica
3 Slayer
4 Anthrax

July 20th, 2015


July 20th, 2015

Damn. RockG has no love for Anthrax, huh?

July 21st, 2015

@Quikstik Honestly they are the most underrated of The Big Four, but every band here is so good that it’s hard to say Anthrax is better than 2nd or 3rd best.

July 21st, 2015

I like Anthrax, Spreading the Disease and Among the Living are just as good as anything else from the Big 4, but where they have only these 2 great albums, all the other bands have at least 4.

Granted I haven’t heard any albums past Among the Living (State of Euphoria / Persistence of Time), they could be just as good, but I don’t know.

July 21st, 2015

@xBuddy Believe me, you need to listen to Persistence, it’s my personal favorite from them.

As for a possible 5th big thrash band, I’d choose either Overkill, Testament or Exodus.

August 5th, 2015


August 23rd, 2015