I am a well-grounded Kotlin/Java backend developer with 9 years of commercial experience.
For application development I prefer Kotlin now and would only use Java where I do not want to bring in kotlin-stdlib
as a dependency.
- 📕 I like reading books and I make notes using Obsidian to focus my attention on crucial tings
- 🌱 When I have a time, I work on Obsidian Imgur plugin here on GitHub
- 🔭 I’m interested in:
- any DevOps tools, which help me to automate my flow and deliver faster
- Domain-Driven Design
- practical functional programming techniques
- asynchronous programming
- monitoring and observability
- 💬 Ask me about: git, testing, clean design, CI/CD, Gradle, Docker/Kubernetes and CLI tools
- 💻 I work on MacBook , here are my .dotfiles
- 📫 You can find my contacts and CV here
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
- ⚡ Fun fact: "Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability"