
About the Health Physics Society

The Health Physics Society (HPS), formed in 1956, is a scientific organization of professionals who specialize in radiation safety. Its mission is to support its members in the practice of their profession and to promote excellence in the science and practice of radiation safety.

Today its members represent all scientific and technical areas related to radiation safety, including academia, government, medicine, research and development, analytical services, consulting, and industry in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The Society is chartered in the United States as an independent nonprofit scientific organization and, as such, is not affiliated with any government or industrial organization or private entity.

The Society also promotes:

Click to see the Society Leadership, the HPS Code of Conduct, and the HPS Strategic Plan.

Click here to see the Statement on Diversity and Inclusion.

The Society's Prospectus summarizes the activities, describes the various types of membership, and lists the publications of the Society.

Address and Contact Information

For general information, questions regarding this website, or media inquiries, contact the Web Operations editor in chief.

Address technical radiation safety questions to our "Ask the Experts" service.

A complete listing of HPS contacts can be found on the Website, Publications, and Secretariat Contacts page. Membership questions can be directed to Elizabeth Terry-Humen, phone: 703-790-1745, ext. 211.

The standards coordinator, responsible for the Standards Program and Committees N13 and N43, is Amy Wride-Graney, phone: 703-790-1745.

The mailing address and contact information for the administrative offices of the Health Physics Society:
Health Physics Society
950 Herndon Parkway, Suite 450
Herndon, VA 20170
Phone: 703-790-1745
Fax: 703-790-2672


As of 14 September 2023, the membership of the Society (2,732) consists of Full Members (1,337), Early Career Members (336), Associate Members (258), Early Associate Members (150), Fellow Members (93), Student Members (169), Members Emeritus (269), Emeritus Fellows (58), Life Members (6), Life Fellows (32), and Affiliate Members (24). Members reside in the United States and its possessions (2,518), Canada (68), and other countries (146). Demographics for number of members by specialties and employment are available on the demographics page. Membership totals are updated in October each year.

Members Directory

Members have access to the HPS Members Directory on the Members Only website. Members are requested to keep the executive director informed regarding changes in address and other directory matters.  

Meetings and Conferences

An annual meeting is held each calendar year at a time and place selected by the Board of Directors. At least one business session is open to the membership during this meeting. The Society may also cosponsor a regional meeting, workshop, or symposium during the winter or spring, usually in conjunction with one or more chapters, sections, universities, or other scientific organization with a nexus to radiation protection. Other meetings may be held at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


Chapters are affiliated groups of the Society established by the Board of Directors. Chapters carry out the objectives and purposes of the Society members residing in the same geographical areas. Any member of the Society may become a chapter member upon payment of appropriate chapter dues. Communications regarding the formation of a new chapter should be directed to the executive director.


Sections of the Society are authorized by the Board of Directors and represent subspecialties within the field of radiation safety. Provisions for petitioning for formation of a section are contained in the Rules of the Society. Communications regarding the formation of a new section should be directed to the executive director.

Official Publications

The official publications of the Society include the Health Physics Journal, Operational Radiation SafetyHealth Physics News, special publications (proceedings and educational materials), American National Standards, and this website. Contact information, publication links, and other information about the printed publications can be found on our Publications page.

Health Physics

Health Physics is the official monthly journal of the Society containing research-oriented, peer-reviewed papers.

Operational Radiation Safety

Operational Radiation Safety publishes peer-reviewed papers concerned with practical and applied health physics and is embedded as a section of Health Physics Journal.

Special Publications

The director of special publications is responsible for editing and publishing special publications for the Society, for example, Society brochures, midyear symposia proceedings, professional development school materials, etc.

Health Physics News

Health Physics News is our online newsletter. It is updated almost daily and contains information on upcoming events, recent news about members and Society activities, discussions of technical issues and controversies, educational opportunities, short course listings, and other general items of interest to members.
