Meetings and Conferences
Upcoming Health Physics Society Meetings
The following upcoming meetings are sponsored or cosponsored by the Health Physics Society. Click on the meeting title for additional details. Persons attending our meetings should note our Code of Conduct.
- HPS Workshop at UAB - 2025
31 March–1 April 2025, Hilton Birmingham at UAB, 808 20th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35205-
This workshop will take place at the Hilton Birmingham at UAB. This workshop will run all day Monday and will end at noon on Tuesday. HPS does not have a discounted sleeping room block at the hotel, but you can make a reservation on the Hilton Birmingham UAB website.
- HPS Professional Development School - 2025
1 April–4 April 2025, Hilton Birmingham at UAB, 808 20th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35205 - This 3.5-day Professional Development School will cover all things nonionizing. Whether you need a refresher on the basics or an in-depth review of the health hazards of nonionizing radiation, this is the place for you!
- The PDS will take place at the Hilton Birmingham at UAB. This starts on Tuesday at 1 pm and will conclude at 5 pm on Friday. HPS does not have a discounted sleeping room block at the hotel, but you can make a reservation on the Hilton Birmingham UAB website.
- PDS Rates
- Registration instructions for PDS
- 70th HPS Annual Meeting - 2025
13–17 July 2025, Monona Terrace Convention Center, Madison, WI
Submit abstracts here by 7 March 2025
Hotel Reservations
HPS has secured discounted room blocks at three hotels for Madison. Below are the links to secure discounted rooms.
The Madison Concourse Hotel & Governor's Club
1 W. Dayton St. | Madison WI 53703
Rate: 168/night + tax
Hilton Madison Monona Terrace
9 East Wilson Street | Madison WI 53703
Rate: $211/night + tax
Embassy Suites by Hilton Madison Downtown
231 S. Pinckney Street | Madison WI 53703
Rate: $169/night + tax
Reserve your room before the block sells out! - 71st HPS Annual Meeting - 2026
5–9 July 2026, Gaylord National Harbor, MD
Other Meetings of Interest
- NCRP Annual Meeting
The Million Person Study: Current Results and Vision for Radiation Epidemiology and Protection
24-25 March 2025, walk-in registrations on space available basis
Hyatt Regency, Bethesda, MD - NRC Meeting Webcasts
- Worldwide Radiation Protection Meetings
- IAEA Nuclear Safety & Security Meetings
Various locations
Past Health Physics Society Meetings
- You can find programs for past HPS meetings here.