
Welcome Students!

Are you a student interested in a career in health physics? Well, you've come to the right place. The students of the national Health Physics Society (HPS) would like to welcome you to our section of the HPS website.

As a student member in the HPS, there are many opportunities available to you. Each link below will provide information about various programs, grants, and career opportunities available through your student membership. If you have not done so already, you are strongly encouraged to get involved with your local chapters and student branches. If there is anything that you are unable to find, please feel free to reach out by visiting our members forum or contacting us directly at Student Support.

Thanks so much for visiting the students page of the HPS website and continue to check back as we expand our services.

Student Support Committee

Branches, Local Chapters, and HPS Student Committees

Information About Health Physics, Educational Programs, and Careers

Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, and Internships

Student Forum Section (Members Only)

Health Physics Society Student Programs (Members Only)
