3.1. Have you ever been pregnant?

If no go to 3.1b

Yes = 1 No = 2

| |


If yes how many times

1 = 1 2 = 2 ≥3 = 3

| |

3.1.a.1 How many children do you have?

1 = 1 2 = 2 ≥3

| |


If no why?

No desire for children = 1 Infertility = 2

| |

3.1. b.1.

If notion of infertility

3.1. b.2.

Have you had to consult for this infertility?

Yes = 1 No = 2

| |

3.1. b.3.

When did the infertility occur?

From the desire of the 1st baby = 1

After having at least 1 child = 2

| |

3.1. b.3.

Has a diagnosis been made for this infertility?

Yes = 1 No = 2

| |

3.1. b.3.1 if yes what is the diagnosis?

3.1. b.4. Did you have to take medication for this infertility?

Yes = 1 No = 2

| |

3.1. b.4.1 If yes which ones?
