Dimension: Family responsibilities | Dimension: School responsibilities |
Variables: Key aspects of diabetes care at school | Variables: Key aspects of diabetes care at school |
1. Participation in the development and implementation of personalized School Care Plan | 1. Medical and educational records policy |
2. Provision and use of diabetes care supplies | 2. Staff training in diabetes care |
3. Maintenance of supplies | 3. Specification of minimum training content |
4. Disposal of materials | 4. Medical treatment delivery and self-management policy |
5. Health information registration | 5. Accommodation and privacy for self-management |
6. Transmission of blood glucose values from school to parent/guardian | 6. Food school policy |
7. Specification of necessary supplies | 7. Access to health services |
8. Information delivery and training responsibilities | 8. Food classroom policy |
9. Resources for action in medical emergencies | 9. Absence management policy |
10. Food policy and family-school collaboration | 10. Free access to water and toilet |
11. Information policy and justification of absences for medical reasons | 11. Medical supplies storage |
| 12. Food and nutritional information policy |
| 13. Free access to medical supplies and participation in school activities |