9. Permission to miss school without consequences for required medical appointments to monitor the student’s diabetes management. This should be an excused absence with a doctor’s note, if required by usual school policy.


9. Permission to allow the academic tests performance (exams, work handling, etc.) to be carried out later if the child/adolescent with DM condition requires and always when it is justified by document: hyperglycemia or hypoglycaemia, review medical appointments, etc.)

10. Permission for the student to use the restroom and have access to fluids (i.e., water) as necessary.


10. Only when these circumstances have been added to the Organisation and Operation Regulations in schools will permission be granted.

11. An appropriate location for insulin and/or glucagon storage, if necessary.


11. Only after getting from the School Board the permission for the admission of materials related to DM, will they count on a small refrigerator.

12. Information on serving size and caloric, carbohydrate, and fat content of foods served in the school (27).


12. There is no specific information about the nutrients. It is only indicated that alternative elaboration menus should be ensured in the case that the student with DM uses the school cafeteria.

13. The student with diabetes should have immediate access to diabetes supplies at all times, with supervision as needed.

13.1. Provisions similar to those described

Above must be available for field trips, extracurricular activities, other school-sponsored events, and on transportation provided by the school or day care facility to enable full participation in school activities.

13. Accessibility to supplies (particularly for hypoglycemic emergencies)

13. Only with the School Board permission can the admission of materials related to DM be authorised.

13.1. To encourage the child/adolescent to take part in all school activities, including days out and excursions, not specifying measures
