SYMPOSIUM: PDF OnlyPsychophysical bases of perceived exertionBORG, GUNNAR A.V. Author Information Department of Psychology, University of Stockholm, Box 5602, S-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 14(5):p 377-381, Free Abstract BORG, GUNNAR A.V. Psychophysical bases of perceived exertion. Med. Sci. Sports Exercise, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 377–381, 1982. There is a great demand for perceptual effort ratings in order to better understand man at work. Such ratings are important complements to behavioral and physiological measurements of physical performance and work capacity. This is true for both theoretical analysis and application in medicine, human factors, and sports. Perceptual estimates, obtained by psychophysical ratio-scaling methods, are valid when describing general perceptual variation, but category methods are more useful in several applied situations when differences between individuals are described. A presentation is made of ratio-scaling methods, category methods, especially the Borg Scale for ratings of perceived exertion, and a new method that combines the category method with ratio properties. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods are discussed in both theoretical-psychophysical and psychophysiological frames of reference. ©1982The American College of Sports Medicine