Generative AI: Turning Hype into Real Business Value — Insights from My Conversation with Yves Mulkers
Generative AI is often surrounded by excitement and speculation, but how can businesses turn this technology into genuine value? In the latest episode of TinyTechGuides Talks, I sat down with Yves Mulkers, my co-author of Generative AI Business Applications: An Executive Guide with Real-Life Examples and Case Studies, to explore the real-world impact of generative AI. Together, we shared insights that move beyond the art of the possible, focusing on what is being implemented in businesses today.
Why this conversation matters to business leaders
Generative AI has caught the attention of industries everywhere, but separating realistic opportunities from marketing hype can be challenging. Yves and I focused on how AI can benefit businesses, highlighting specific use cases, best practices, and key considerations for safe and effective implementation. We discussed both the opportunities and risks, providing a pragmatic roadmap for leaders looking to begin…