
A Future without Plastic: Can the world really go plastic-free? 


A Future without Plastic: Can the world really go plastic-free? 

  • The brands and retailers that get it right are finding that reducing plastic-waste isn’t just good for the planet: it’s good for business too. Data shows that most products that made ESG-related claims grew faster than those that didn’t. 
  • The latest report form NIQ Brandbank asks whether the FMCG industry is ready to go plastic-free, and examines the changes that brands and retailers can make to encourage shoppers to make sustainable choices and support those who are prioritizing these sustainable values in their purchasing decisions.  
  • The transition to plastic-free operations represents a strategic opportunity for FMCG brands and retailers to align with evolving shopper values, reduce environmental impact, and drive sustainable growth and profitability.   

Can the world really go plastic-free?

This new report from NIQ Brandbank considers what shoppers want when it comes to sustainability and plastic-reduction, why this has become an important need state, the challenges shoppers face finding products that meet their needs – and the crucial role of brands and retailers.   

The report provides brands and retailers with some simple solutions to improve the sustainable shopper experience, including:  

#1  Improve the shopper experience by giving shoppers more affordable reduced-plastic options   

Sustainability is high on the agenda and increasingly so. Get ahead of the curve by enhancing the path to purchase to reflect this. Shoppers can’t go plastic free unless the products are there for them to buy at the right time on their online or in-store journey.  

#2 Enhance content and searchability   

Many shoppers around the world are looking for plastic-reduced products—and they are searching for specific product attributes each time they shop. Enhance content so that they can find what they need at the time they need it—and access content that explains clearly why a product fits their requirements. Allow them to shop with filters, icons, and personalized content as a shopper who cares about plastic-waste.   

#3 Sustainability and going plastic-free presents opportunities, not just costs   

Data shows that most products that made ESG-related claims grew faster than those that didn’t. The transition to plastic-free represents a strategic opportunity to align with shopper values, reduce environmental impact and drive sustainable growth and profitability.   

Get the full report

Get NIQ Brandbank’s latest report to learn more about the future of sustainability and discover whether the FMCG industry is really ready to go plastic-free.
