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Displaying all articles tagged:
the money game
July 9, 2024
Inside the Harvard Business School Ponzi Scheme
He had a successful Wall Street career. Why would he con his classmates?
Jen Wieczner
the money game
Feb. 12, 2024
Bill Ackman Strikes Back
His fight has made him the public face of a billionaire class anxious it no longer rules the world.
Reeves Wiedeman
social studies
Jan. 29, 2024
Inventing the Perfect College Applicant
For $120,000 a year, Christopher Rim promises to turn any student into Ivy bait.
Caitlin Moscatello
bill ackman
Jan. 19, 2024
Everyone Bill Ackman Is Fighting
The ever-expanding list of individuals and institutions the billionaire investor is at war with.
Kevin T. Dugan
Jan. 7, 2024
Neri Oxman and Claudine Gay Cases Show We Need New Rules on Plagiarism
Bill Ackman helped bring down Gay. Oxman, his wife, is now under attack. This system isn’t working.
Christopher Sprigman
Jan. 2, 2024
Claudine Gay Resigns From Harvard Amid New Plagiarism Allegations
As controversy continued to swirl around her, Gay announced plans to step down after only six months.
Matt Stieb
what we know
Dec. 22, 2023
Will Harvard’s Claudine Gay Be Ousted Over Plagiarism Allegations?
The university’s board has expressed its unanimous support for the embattled president, but the scandal has only grown.
Chas Danner
the schoolyard
Dec. 22, 2023
How Rich (or Not) Do You Have to Be to Get Into the Ivy League?
Kids whose parents make $158,200 to $222,400 a year have the worst odds of Ivy League acceptance.
Gail Cornwall
just asking questions
Dec. 18, 2023
Why October 7 May Mark a Turning Point for Universities
Psychologist and public intellectual Steven Pinker thinks the debacle at Harvard is a blow to campus leftism.
Benjamin Hart
Dec. 12, 2023
Harvard’s President to Stay On in Role: Live Updates
Just days after Penn’s president announced her resignation, Harvard’s governing board said Claudine Gay will stay on as president.
Chas Danner,
Nia Prater,
Matt Stieb
me too
Feb. 9, 2022
What’s Actually in the Sexual Harassment Complaint Against John Comaroff
The accused allegedly did much more than compliment a grad student’s bike helmet.
Irin Carmon
the national interest
Feb. 8, 2022
The Left is Gaslighting Asian Americans About College Admissions
I support affirmative action, but stop denying it discriminates against Asians.
Jonathan Chait
just asking questions
Oct. 25, 2021
Harvard Has Too Much Money to Have So Few Students
Scott Galloway on gargantuan endowments and why elite universities’ obsession with exclusivity and prestige is unethical.
James D. Walsh
interesting times
Oct. 4, 2019
Sullivan: Trump Is Begging to Be Impeached. Give Him What He Wants — Right Now!
Draw up the articles now. Keep them short and focused on Ukraine and China. Don’t let Trump distract. Don’t let the evidence grow cold.
Andrew Sullivan
Sept. 30, 2019
Harvard’s Affirmative Action for Rich Whites Exposes Myth of Meritocracy
Harvard’s competitive admissions process exists to maintain the prestige of the credentials it sells to the mediocre children of aristocrats.
Eric Levitz
affirmative action
Sept. 2, 2019
The Harvard Affirmative-Action Case Isn’t Really About Undervaluing Asian Labor
It’s about overvaluing whiteness.
Zak Cheney-Rice
July 23, 2019
The Harvard Professor and the Paternity Trap
A law professor who teaches a class on judgment wouldn’t seem like an obvious mark, would he?
Kera Bolonik
July 1, 2019
Rick Snyder’s Harvard Fellowship and the Limits of Civility
The former Michigan governor presided over the poisoning of Flint. But for Harvard’s Kennedy School, it wasn’t enough to disrupt business as usual.
Zak Cheney-Rice
June 18, 2019
What Kyle Kashuv Gets Wrong About Harvard and Growth
Kashuv says that Harvard is betraying its commitment to growth by rescinding his admission. Maybe Harvard’s own growth requires it.
Zak Cheney-Rice
college admissions scandal
Apr. 4, 2019
Fencing Coach’s Fishy Home Sale Brings Admissions Scandal to Harvard
The Ivy wasn’t involved in the Varsity Blues probe, but a Harvard dad buying a coach’s house at a huge markup is drawing new admissions scrutiny.
Matt Stieb
Feb. 15, 2018
Warren Fights Back Against Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ Slur
Warren defends her own Native heritage and then goes after Trump for disrespecting Natives in word and deed.
Ed Kilgore
Sept. 15, 2017
Harvard Revokes Chelsea Manning’s Visiting-Fellow Invitation
CIA director Mike Pompeo and former CIA deputy director Michael Morell protested Manning’s fellowship.
Margaret Hartmann
legal challenges
Aug. 5, 2017
How Jeff Sessions Might Channel the Far-Right Crusade Against Affirmative Action
The DOJ inserting itself into this debate would represent a dramatic break with history and prior practices.
Cristian Farias
select all
June 5, 2017
Harvard Rescinds 10 Offers to High Schoolers Who Posted Offensive Memes
One of the memes referred to hanging a Mexican child as “piñata time.”
Madison Malone Kircher
June 15, 2016
This Groundbreaking ‘Bionic Leaf’ Converts Sunlight and Water Into Liquid Fuel
Spoiler: It doesn’t really look like a leaf you’d find on the ground.
Christine Nguyen
Cait Munro
June 15, 2016
Researchers at Harvard Created a Robotic Bee That’s Scarily Lifelike
It’s essentially a bee-shaped drone.
Kenny Wassus
Cait Munro
select all
June 12, 2016
Mark Zuckerberg’s Ghost Haunted the Harvard 2006 Reunion
Searching for the second-most-successful person at the Facebook founder’s ten-year reunion.
Reeves Wiedeman
Apr. 22, 2016
Stephen Hawking Thinks Black Holes Could Be Portals to Another Universe
In a talk at Harvard, renowned scientist Stephen Hawking revealed a mind-blowing theory on black holes.
Eva Hill
Cait Munro
campus protests
Mar. 5, 2016
Harvard Law School Wants to Get Rid of Its Racially Charged Emblem
School officials have decided that the controversial 80-year-old crest no longer represents the institution’s values.
Chas Danner
Jan. 15, 2016
Conservative Alumni Want to Make Harvard the Cheapest College in the Country
Four conservative Harvard alumni — and Ralph Nader — are pushing to end tuition at Harvard. And affirmative action.
Eric Levitz
Dec. 21, 2014
The Brutal Application Process to (Sue) Harvard
An elite class of rejected applicants is suing the school for racial bias.
Annie Lowrey
Dec. 10, 2014
Harvard Professor Is Now Sorry for Rude Emails
In which he bullied a Chinese restaurant over four bucks.
Katie Zavadski
Sept. 9, 2014
Take Away Harvard’s Nonprofit Status
Harvard is a hedge fund, not a researcher in the public good. Let’s tax it as such.
Annie Lowrey
ink-stained wretches
June 12, 2014
Jill Abramson Going From 1 Tattoo to Another
The fired
editor will teach at Harvard.
Joe Coscarelli
bloomberg after bloomberg
May 29, 2014
Bloomberg Slams Ivy League Censorship at Harvard
It’s “a modern-day form of McCarthyism,” he said.
Joe Coscarelli
great moments in fox news
May 15, 2014
Bill O’Reilly Denies White Privilege, Of Course
“I’m going to have to exempt myself.”
Joe Coscarelli
school daze
Dec. 18, 2013
Harvard Student Charged With Bomb Hoax to Evade Finals
And he would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for those meddling technicians!
Adam Martin
this is ivy league
Dec. 16, 2013
Harvard Students Cheer Canceled Exams Amid Bomb Threat
Four buildings were evacuated on Monday morning.
Joe Coscarelli
Nov. 23, 2013
Harvard Christian Journal Apologizes for Essay
Not a good look.
Adam Martin
school daze
Sept. 21, 2013
Harvard Would Like Another $3.7 Billion, Please
So they can reach their $6.5 billion fund-raising goal.
Delia Paunescu
this is ivy league
Mar. 22, 2013
Harvard Team That Was Actually Supposed to Win Cheated
The university has been stripped of four quiz bowl championships.
Joe Coscarelli
bad education
Mar. 11, 2013
Harvard Hacks Deans’ E-Mail Accounts, Makes Cheating Scandal Even Worse
Rather than just talking with their employees.
Margaret Hartmann
school daze
Aug. 30, 2012
More Than 100 Harvard Kids Thought They Could Cheat on the Same Test
That’s about two percent of the undergraduate student body.
Joe Coscarelli
stuck in the mittle
Apr. 5, 2012
Mitt Romney Once Again Forgets That He Went to Harvard
This is weird and hilarious and sad.
Dan Amira
occupy wall street
Nov. 10, 2011
Harvard Kinda Misses the Point of OWS
But reinforces the point of going to Harvard.
Noreen Malone
Aug. 25, 2011
Bernie Madoff Thought He Was Going to Help Teach Ethics at Harvard
Just like Eliot Spitzer.
Chris Rovzar
double trouble
July 22, 2011
The Winklevii Will Not Take Larry Summers Sitting Down
Literally, they hate it when he won’t get up.
Chris Rovzar
white house
June 17, 2011
Please Describe Your Post–White House Plans Briefly for the Yearbook
Politico fuels the dreams of every kid who thinks admission to Harvard merits a national news headline.
Noreen Malone
ask … tell!
Mar. 3, 2011
Harvard Is Bringing Back ROTC
It had been banned since the Vietnam War.
Dan Amira
school daze
Dec. 16, 2010
Former Harvard Student Pleads Guilty to Lying His Way Into (and Then Through) College
Adam Wheeler was honest today, for the first time in years.
Mike Vilensky
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