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International Intrigue

  1. international intrigue
    Bezos Security Chief Says Saudis Gained Access to Amazon Founder’s Phone, DataGavin de Becker says his team thinks the Saudis got into Bezos’s phone, and suggests that may be how AMI became aware of the Amazon CEO’s affair.
  2. international intrigue
    Report: Khashoggi’s Body Incinerated in Oven at Saudi Envoy’s HomeOnce believed to have been dissolved in acid, the body of the Saudi dissident is now thought to have been burned.
  3. international intrigue
    Venezuela’s Opposition Pushes for Military Force to Topple MaduroOpposition leader Juan Guaidó met with Mike Pence Monday after a violent weekend in Venezuela.
  4. international intrigue
    Maduro and Venezuela’s Opposition Prepare for Dramatic ConfrontationTensions are rising ahead of a Saturday deadline to let humanitarian aid into the country.
  5. international intrigue
    Missing Interpol President Was Quietly Detained by ChinaIt took China three days to acknowledge that Meng Hongwei was not even missing, and Interpol now says he has resigned.
  6. international intrigue
    Accused Russian Hit Men: We Were in Salisbury for Sightseeing, Not Poisoning“Our friends had been suggesting for a long time that we visit this wonderful town.”
  7. international intrigue
    Kim Declares His ‘Faith’ in Trump, Who Offers an Enthusiastic ThanksNorth Korean denuclearization seems stalled, but at least these two are getting along.
  8. Former Russian Spy Poisoned With Nerve Agent, British Police ConfirmNo one knows who did it, but everyone has a pretty good hunch who ordered it.
  9. Mike Pence Avoids Kim Jong-un’s Sister at Olympic Opening CeremoniesThe VP also refused to stand when the united Korea team entered Olympic Stadium.
  10. A Train Station Near One of Israel’s Holiest Sites to Be Named for TrumpIt’s to honor Trump for his “courageous and historic decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel.”
  11. Nikki Haley Says Iran Is Violating U.N. Rules and These Missile Parts Prove ItThe U.S. ambassador to the United Nations held a press conference with “indisputable” proof of Iran’s violations.
  12. North Korea Mocks Trump’s ‘Weird’ TweetsA state-run news agency called Trump a “mad man” who “spouts rubbish.”
  13. U.S. Sanctions Chinese and Russian Individuals and Firms With North Korea TiesA total of 16 companies and people have been targeted in the U.S.’s latest move to squeeze Pyongyang.
  14. U.S. Diplomats in Cuba Suffer Hearing Loss After Reported ‘Sonic Attack’The U.S. has expelled two Cuban diplomats in retaliation.
  15. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro Scoffs at ‘Emperor’ Trump’s SanctionsThe leader is defiant over his controversial vote as two opposition leaders are reportedly arrested.
  16. U.S. Sanctions Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro After Controversial VoteThe U.S. has frozen the leader’s assets, but stopped short of undertaking broader economic sanctions.
  17. U.S. to Ban Travel to North Korea As Hawaii Begins to Prepare for the WorstU.S. passports used to travel to North Korea will soon be invalidated by the government.
  18. What Is the United States Doing in Syria These Days?A shooting down of an Assad-regime jet raises some questions, such as, are we about to go to war with Russia? How about Iran?
  19. Qatar Gets Slammed With List of Demands to Meet If It Wants Blockade to EndThe Saudi-led coalition wants the tiny Gulf state to cut off ties with Iran and close Al Jazeera, ultimatums Qatar isn’t likely to meet.
  20. Saudi Arabia Shakes Up Its Line of SuccessionKing Salman has made his ambitious and hawkish 31-year-old son next in line to the Saudi throne.
  21. U.S. Ambassador to Qatar Is Leaving Her Post During Gulf Diplomatic CrisisThe career Foreign Service officer is finishing her tour. But the timing couldn’t be worse as the region remains engulfed in crisis.
  22. Women’s Rights Activist Detained in Saudi ArabiaLoujain al-Hathloul had been taken into custody in 2014 for protesting the country’s driving ban, but it’s not clear what’s behind her recent arrest.
  23. international intrigue
    At Least 5 Arab Nations Cut Diplomatic Ties With QatarSaudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, and Yemen stopped air and sea travel to and from Qatar, accusing the nation of supporting terrorism.
  24. As U.S. Frets Over Nuclear Test, North Korea Hosts Volleyball Games at Test SiteMeanwhile, Mike Pence says the U.S. will “meet any use of conventional or nuclear weapons with an overwhelming and effective American response.”
  25. international intrigue
    Vladimir Putin Has Already WonComey’s hearing proved how hyperpartisanship is making it easy to damage American democracy.
  26. international intrigue
    House Intelligence Committee Is ‘Confused,’ Says Kremlin“They are trying to find confirmation of their own conclusions but are going ‘round in circles.”
  27. First State Department Press Briefing of Trump Administration CanceledAfter six weeks of silence, they were supposed to resume Monday. They didn’t.
  28. Kim Jong-un Has 5 Security Officials Executed With Anti-Aircraft GunsThe North Korean leader has made a habit out of killing those who annoy him.
  29. Malaysia Can’t Say for Sure If Kim Jong-un’s Half-Brother Was PoisonedAuthorities are awaiting lab results while North Korea accuses Malaysia of “mangling” the autopsy.
  30. Secretary Tillerson Has Some Odd Accommodations on His First Official TripHe confirmed his attendance late to a G20 session, so he’s staying at a health clinic miles from his counterparts.
  31. diplomacy
    Tillerson Takes First Official Trip Abroad, Meets With Russian CounterpartAmerica’s top diplomat got off to a bit of a stilted start.
  32. international intrigue
    A Russian Spy Ship Is Hanging Out Off the Coast of ConnecticutAbout 30 miles away, well within international waters.
  33. international intrigue
    Will the French Presidential Race Be a Replay of the U.S. Election?Marine Le Pen is in the lead, but the French system makes it harder for a Trump-like figure to take the presidency.
  34. Trump Backs Down, Agrees to Uphold ‘One China’ PolicyTrump had suggested he’d use the policy as a bargaining chip in negotiations with China.
  35. U.S. Is Trying to Repair Relations With Mexico by Mostly Leaving Trump Out of ItSecretary of State Tillerson met with his Mexican counterpart in Washington, and is headed to Mexico City in the coming weeks.
  36. Nikki Haley at U.N.: ‘For Those That Don’t Have Our Back, We’re Taking Names’In the spirit of international harmony and understanding.
  37. U.S. and Russia Didn’t Cooperate in Syria to Fight ISIS — But That May ChangeThe Pentagon denied the Russian Defense Ministry’s announcement that the two had conducted a joint combat mission.
  38. international intrigue
    Putin Defends Trump, Extols Russia’s Sex Workers As ‘Best in the World’“I find it hard to believe that he rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world.”
  39. international intrigue
    Trump Open to Lifting Sanctions on Russia, But Scrutiny IntensifiesTrump officials are also denying a report that the president-elect’s first foreign trip will be to meet with Putin.
  40. White House Ends Decades-Old ‘Wet Foot, Dry Foot’ Immigration Policy for CubansIt granted residency status to Cubans once they reached U.S. soil, and was a sticking point with the Cuban government.
  41. International Intrigue Near Long Island’s Gold CoastIs the loss of prime real estate the biggest punishment for Russian election meddling?
  42. Report: Russia Talked With Trump and Clinton Campaigns During the ElectionRussian diplomats said it was “routine” outreach.
  43. A Twist in the Brexit PlansA top British court rules that the government has to get approval from Parliament before triggering Brexit.
  44. MH17 Was Shot Down by a Russian Missile, Say InvestigatorsThe Dutch-led team confirmed what most had already suspected.
  45. international intrigue
    President of the Philippines Won’t Get to Call Obama a ‘Son of a Bitch’The White House canceled their Tuesday meeting.
  46. State Department Confirms That $400 Million Was Contingent on Prisoners’ ReleaseNo money until the prisoners left Iran.
  47. brexit
    The (American) Idiot’s Guide to BrexitHere’s everything you need to know about the British referendum that could reshape the future of the world’s largest economy.
  48. brexit
    Boris Johnson Could Be Next U.K. Prime MinisterLondon’s former mayor has a colorful past.
  49. awful things
    ISIS Claims Responsibility for Killing French Police CaptainThe officer was stabbed outside his home, but his 3-year-old son survived.
  50. international intrigue
    Emails in Clinton Probe Discussed Planned Pakistani Drone StrikesThe messages are part of a secret deal that gave the State Department a say in whether CIA drone strikes should proceed.
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