US News


It was little noted -and certainly not long remembered – but a year ago the U. S. Army discovered it had been stretched so thin by basic “peace-keeping” commitments in the Balkans it had to call out the reserves.

The Pentagon still cleaves to its official definition of readiness: The ability to fight two Gulf Wars virtually simultaneously, on opposite sides of the globe.

But last November, it announced that three Army National Guard divisions needed to join Regular Army units in the Balkans peace-keeping rotation.

Why? Well, for one thing, last November two of the Army’s 10 active-duty division had officially been rated unfit for combat – and deployment.The world has turned several times since then, and in September it came as no surprise when it was reported that more than half of the Army’s combat and support training centers have officially been classified as effectively non-functional.

It’s not just the Army.

At the end of the summer, the Marine Corps was forced to ground hundreds of combat aircraft – including virtually its entire force of ground-support Harrier jump-jets – because of profound readiness concerns.

And just last month, the Navy ordered a stand-down of its entire 318-ship fleet for a review of basic skills following an alarming series of at-sea collisions and groundings.

“We must stop . . . and assess the critical areas of shipboard seamanship and navigation,” said Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Vern Clark. “They . . . deserve our special attention.

No kidding.

Meanwhile, news reports suggest the only people in Aden harbor earlier this month who were unaware of what was about to happen to USS Cole were the warship’s crew.

Service in the armed forces is by definition about accepting personal risk for a higher purpose. In that respect, there are (MD+IT)never (MD-IT)any guarantees.

Still, it appears that Cole apparently was ordered to Aden for refueling because Clinton administration cutbacks meant there was no fleet oiler available for at-sea replenishment.

Thus, at the very least, the bombing underscores the foolishness of the official Clinton-Gore two-simultaneous-war strategy.

It also exposes Al Gore’s contention that America’s military is “the strongest in the world” for the dissemblance that it really is.

Of (MD+IT)course (MD-IT)the U.S. predominates militarily. That’s been true since Hiroshima – at least.

The (MD+IT)relevant (MD-IT)question is this: Is the military strong enough safely to perform the missions that are routinely assigned.

The answer: Just barely today, – and (MD+IT)vastly (MD-IT)less so than just eight years ago.

George W. Bush said in the second debate that he stood for a “distinctly American internationalism” informed by “humble, but strong” sensibilities.

Teddy Roosevelt said the same, but better, a century ago:”Speak softly, but carry a big stick.”

Not to toss a skunk into the garden party, but when Newt Gingrich was speaker of the House he said any number of times that the United States will travel one of two paths in a post-Cold War world.

America will maintain – if not enhance – its ability to project power in support of its legitimate strategic interests.

Or it will not.

If not, then America will forego its ability to shape events – indeed, to mold history.

If so, America will remain secure and predominate in a fractious, often dangerous world.

The Clinton-Gore record speaks for itself in this realm – or, rather, the 40-square-foot hole in the side of USS Cole speaks for the Clinton-Gore record.

Who can doubt that it is time for a change?
