

A SUMMER of unprece dented opportunity opens today for the Rangers. An atmosphere of near-panic created by Gary Bettman’s promise to extract a punitive hard cap out of the next round of collective bargaining with the union, plus a recognition of how systems in today’s NHL trump talent, will create a pool of marquee athletes over the next two months who will be available for the taking. Shoppers won’t be walking into a Bargain Basement. Rather, they’ll be walking into a Bargain Penthouse.

No one is suggesting that Glen Sather leap into the market today with Holik-ian offers to free agents such as Derian Hatcher, Sergei Fedorov or any other player who might have become free at midnight if not qualified. Quite frankly, that approach has failed miserably over the last six summers for the Rangers. No one is suggesting the Rangers go on a spending spree.

We are, however, suggesting that if Sather is smart here, if he judges the market acutely; if he works the phones the way they must be worked; if he gets a read on possible arbitration filings and potential walkaways; if he and his staff make the correct evaluations on big-time players – like maybe Paul Kariya – who will be shopped for the price of the contract and nothing more; if all that, the Rangers have the chance to construct a blockbuster roster between now and the start of training camp.

The Ranger summer got off to a fine start yesterday when Sather was able to get 28-year-old Jussi Markkanen, a solid backup, and a fourth-round pick from Edmonton in exchange for the rights to Brian Leetch, who became a free agent at 12:00:01 this morning. The Rangers have a one-year offer for approximately $4.5 million in to Leetch which will remain on the table until Sather is faced with the need to increase it to match a hypothetical competing bid that may never come in this collusionary environment.

Sather wants to keep Leetch. Leetch, whose agent, Jay Grossman, sent word that he does not perceive yesterday’s deal as a seminal event – the defenseman actually agreed to waive his no-trade – still wants to end his career on Broadway. Who knows if the Devils or Red Wings will enter the picture? There’s much to play out.

Much to play out, such as Kariya’s possible availability. We were told last evening that the Mighty Ducks were attempting to get Kariya, owed a $10M qualifier, to agree to a multiyear deal at $6M per, trying to influence the winger to do so with the promise to then sign free-agent running buddy Teemu Selanne. If Kariya balked, even if qualified, he would then almost certainly be shopped by Anaheim.

Two sources have confirmed discussions between Sather and Detroit GM Ken Holland regarding Curtis Joseph. Which means that the Rangers will investigate potential trade returns for Mike Dunham, far more affordable ($6.9M over the next two years) than Cujo ($16M) to clubs such as Boston, Vancouver and Philadelphia seeking a goaltender. It’s another opportunity for the Rangers to improve.

Another opportunity in a summer of unprecedented opportunity for the Ranger$, who are implored not merely to spend what they can afford, but to spend wisely.
