US News


Pump it up, little man.

The Children’s Aid Society has come up with an experimental diet and exercise program for chubby 2- to 4-year-olds following a shocking Health Department survey showing that nearly half of New York City’s schoolkids are too fat.

The Early Obesity Prevention Project will target about 100 young kids from low-income and minority households for a pilot program of “fun exercises,” junior yoga and lessons in “body recognition” and “self-esteem building.”

“We want them to see their bodies as safe havens and important places,” said medical director Paula Elbirt. “And we want to encourage them to eat well.”

Overweight kids should stick to low-fat dairy products and foods such as poultry without skin, lean meats and fat-free breads and cereals, nutritionists say. Recommended snacks include cut-up fruits and veggies, fruit sorbets and frozen yogurt.

Elbirt said that while the test’s kids are working the program, their moms will receive “culturally appropriate” tips on improving their child’s overweight lifestyle.

“Refried beans, for example, needn’t be cooked in animal fat,” she said.

The test program begins this fall and will consist of 24 lessons over a 12-week period. Monthly refresher sessions will send the kids and their parents to cooking classes, educational trips to the supermarket – and preschool yoga.

“They’re so cute,” said Elbirt. “They’re like adults: They’ll peek to see if anyone else is doing the yoga exercise, then they’ll squiggle and wiggle. They’re sometimes better than the adults.”

Exercises will include “running around, jumping up and down and pretending to be animals . . . like imaginary elephants,” Elbirt said.

Zak Sabry, who teaches public health and nutrition at the University of California at Berkeley, had high marks for the Children’s Aid program. “I’m not sure if it’s sustainable down the line, but it’s a good start,” Sabry said.

Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden recently released a survey of 3,000 schoolchildren that found 19 percent of city schoolchildren were overweight, while 24 percent were obese. The study found more obesity among African-Americans and Hispanics.

Mayor Bloomberg has made child obesity a priority of his since taking office, and he has vowed that by September, vending machines in city public schools will no longer stock treats with low nutritional value.

Joanne Ikeda, a scientific adviser for the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, gave thumbs-up to the program’s emphasis on “body recognition” and self-esteem.

“If you’re happy with your body, if you believe you’ve got a good body, that’s a great first step,” she said.


Recommendations for parents of overweight kids:

* Low-fat or non-fat dairy products (poultry without skin, lean meats, low-fat or fat-free breads and cereals)

* Healthy snacks like graham crackers, cut-up fruits and veggies

* Low-fat yogurt, whole-grain cereal with skim milk

* Dried fruit, served with nuts or sunflower or pumpkin seeds

* Crackers made with enriched flour and whole grains, served with fruit spread or fat-free cheese

* Frozen desserts such as non-fat or low-fat ice cream, frozen yogurt, fruit sorbet, Popsicles, water ice and fruit juice bars

* No meals or snacks while watching TV

* Schedule family walks after dinner instead of TV or video games

Source: Weight Loss Diet Information (
