

ATLANTA – The Mets opened the second half last night with two fewer veterans on the roster, and the absence of Jeromy Burnitz and Armando Benitez wasn’t lost on anyone in the clubhouse.

Even before the Mets fell to the Braves 3-2 in Atlanta.

Fans may not have always liked or appreciated Benitez or Burnitz, but their replacements on the roster – Prentice Redman and Jorge Velandia – were walking reminders that the Mets are now in full transition mode from high-priced disappointments to young and hungry players.

“We’re a product of what we were not able to accomplish,” Al Leiter said.

“If I told you that I didn’t expect it, I’d be lying to you,” Cliff Floyd said. “All you can do is wish them the best and hope for the youngsters to take advantage of the opportunity.”

The Mets (40-53) were on All-Star break when Burnitz was shipped to Los Angeles on Monday for minor-league infielder Victor Diaz and minor-league righties Joselo Diaz and Kole Strayhorn.

On Wednesday, Benitez was traded to the Yankees for minor-league righties Jason Anderson, Anderson Garcia and Ryan Bicondoa.

The 30-year-old righty won the Rolaids Relief Award in 2001 and had a save conversion rate of 90.7 percent from 2000 to 2002 – the best in the majors.

Of course, Benitez was known for his spectacular failures, not the least of which was blowing a one-run lead Game 1 of the 2000 World Series against the Bombers.

“Armando just needed a fresh start,” catcher Vance Wilson said.

“Probably, it’s a positive thing for him,” Raul Gonzalez added. “He’s going to an even more competitive situation. He needs to tie his shoes on and do the best he can.”

Beyond what he did on the field, Benitez was an unmistakable clubhouse presence. He was as much on the receiving end as the giving end, whether he was screaming at rookies who dared to occupy his spare locker or read the morning papers and found himself assassinated by anonymous teammates after a blown save.

Benitez was a backgammon, domino- and card-playing fiend who loved to beat teammates – and cut their hair as well. Bobby Valentine always reminded the media that the closer once bought a huge case of crab legs for his teammates.
