US News


He’s famous for baring all in “The Piano,” but in real life, actor Harvey Keitel is a $5,000-a- month fashion plate.

That’s what the “Reservoir Dogs” star said he spends on clothing in a financial-disclosure form submitted for his child-support case against pottery maker Lisa Karmazin, it was revealed yesterday.

Keitel was quizzed about the document in Manhattan Family Court, where he took the witness stand after talks with Karmazin for support of their year-old son fell apart.

Karmazin lawyer Jeffrey Cohen asked him if his affidavit says he spends $7,000 a month on clothes – $2,000 for his wife and $5,000 for himself. Keitel seemed to indicate the figure was no longer accurate, but Cohen pressed him on whether it was what the affidavit said. “That’s what it says, yes,” Keitel responded.

Cohen then asked if the word “self” next to the $5,000 “means Mr. Harvey Keitel.”

“Me, myself, yes,” he responded, rolling his eyes.

Cohen asked if the $5,000-a-month figure included custom-made suits, leading Family Court Magistrate David Kirshblum to quip, “I don’t think he’s shopping at Sears.”

Cohen said Keitel – who testified he’s made around $2 million each of the past four years – could probably buy an entire store.

The at-times testy tough guy was grilled about his finances for about two hours, even though his lawyer, William Beslow, argued they’re irrelevant because the case should center around their baby’s needs.

“He’s a year-and-a-half of age. He’s not going to be going to four- and five-star restaurants and wearing custom-made clothes,” Beslow said.

He said Karmazin testified she actually needs less money than the $5,000 a month Keitel currently pays her.

Keitel wasn’t able to answer many of Cohen’s questions, because he said his “business managers” handle his money, including paying his electric bill and his tab at the ritzy restaurant Nobu. He was able to get a bit more specific when he looked at his financial affidavit, which also revealed he spends about $8,200 a month on rent, $1,850 a month eating out, $7,356 a month on support and tuition for his teenage daughter with “Sopranos” star Lorraine Bracco, and $3,800 a month on life insurance.

Keitel, who sported a dark-blue suit for his testimony, mostly kept cool on the stand, but at times was clearly annoyed with Cohen. At one point, Cohen read Keitel something he’d testified to at his deposition, and asked if it was accurate.

“I’ll assume you can read correctly, so I’ll say yes,” he deadpanned.
