US News


The federal judge presiding over the terrorism trial of radical lawyer Lynne Stewart wants jurors to keep their mouths shut following the verdict.

The Manhattan federal jury is now deliberating the fate of Stewart and two co-defendants following an eight-month trial – the first terror-related trial since 9/11.

Judge John Koeltl said he would advise the anonymous jurors not to speak about how they reached their decisions in the landmark case.

Koeltl acknowledged that jurors are not under any public gag order from him once they issue the verdict.

But he said he would use his influence to encourage them to remain silent.

Koeltl made his views known as he rejected a request by reporters to arrange for a room to interview jurors who wished to speak.

Stewart is charged with passing messages urging violence between her client – imprisoned terror sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman – and Islamic militants overseas.
