US News


A Nebraska college sent out postcards to prospective students suggesting they’d be getting plenty of sex if they enrolled.

The cards, mailed out by Doane College, show a young man surrounded by hot young coeds, and encourage students to “play the field.” Campus officials have apologized.


A sex session between two women got ugly when the husband of one tried to join in – and his wife assaulted him and booted him from their house, cops in Tennessee said.

Jessica Lynn Membrila, 22, and hubby, Celso, 28, of Murfreesboro, invited a woman, “Sarah,” over for drinks, and the gals “began having intimate relations,” police said.

When Celso tried to get in on the action, Jessica began “scratching up his neck and the back side of his body and kicked him out of the house,” said Officer Bryant Mitchell.


An eight-months pregnant Russian woman went into labor – in the middle of a parachute jump.

“I just kept thinking my baby had to survive this,” Marija Usova said. “But every second of that descent seemed to take an eternity.”


A dog has set a world record by giving birth to 24 puppies.

“She had a scan, and the vet said she had eight, maybe 10 pups maximum,” said Damian Ward, of Cambridgeshire, England, referring to Tia, his Neapolitan mastiff.


A German high school is charging kids a “pee fee” to go to the bathroom.

Students at the Sprockhoevel School can choose to use the building’s old, dingy toilets for free, or pay 15 cents to use a new restroom with marble wash basins.

Student Marcel Hafke said it’s “heartless. Second-class peeing should not be allowed.”
