US News


Brooke Astor’s grandson says he never went to his father with his worries about the grand dame’s care because he knew they would have fallen upon deaf ears.

Anthony Marshall has repeatedly complained that neither his son, Philip, nor any of Astor’s friends came to him with their concerns that he was taking shoddy care of his multimillionaire mother, and that they instead blindsided him with a sensational lawsuit.

Philip addressed the charge for the first time in court papers made public yesterday.

“In response to my father’s query as to why I did not go to him before bringing the guardianship proceeding, the answer is that my experience with my father about complaints from others, including close personal friends of my grandmother, regarding my grandmother’s care showed me that my father would take no notice,” Philip Marshall said in an affidavit in Westchester Surrogate’s Court, where he’s duking it out with his dad over Astor’s $200 million estate.

He also denied his father’s charge that he has a “profound hostility” towards him. “Rather, I have acted upon a deep-seated profound concern for my grandmother and her comfort and care,” Philip said.

Anthony Marshall was removed as Astor’s caretaker last year after Philip went to a judge to complain that his father was skimping on her care while helping himself to her millions.

Astor died last month at age 105.
