

Forget paying for downloads of NBC’s “The Office” and “Heroes” through iTunes or even Amazon.

The Peacock Network yesterday said it plans to begin offering downloads of its hit shows for free through its own site starting next month.

The company yesterday unveiled a new service called “NBC Direct,” that will allow users to download its primetime and late night shows via at no cost, and watch them up to a week after their original broadcast.

In lieu of payment, the shows will contain advertisements just like the on-air versions of the programs.

The downloads, encrypted with digital rights management technology, expire after seven days.

NBC said it will begin testing the service in October. Initially users will just have the ability to download episodes a la carte.

In the future, NBC plans to introduce a feature that will give viewers the option of signing up for a season pass that will deliver downloads automatically to computers after a new show airs.

Long term, the network also plans to offer portability options for the free downloads.

The model uses NBC’s existing strategy of streaming shows online on an ad-supported basis after they air.

It will also still sell downloads to consumers via Amazon, its upcoming Hulu service, and iTunes.
