
Hypocrisy, thy name is Frank Klopas (Or What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander)

Chicago should learn what’s good for the goose is good for the gander


I’m following this tug-of-war between Toronto and the Fire over the right to sign Brian McBride, and I’ve got to admit it’s funny as hell. I almost spit out my morning coffee seeing the quotes coming out of Chicago. Hypocrisy, thy name is Frank Klopas.

Apparently they’ve never heard the phrase What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. And I don’t meant Jeff Agoos.

SBI reported that Trader Mo was demanding Justin Mapp or Wilman Conde. Klopas, Chicago’s technical director, called Toronto “unreasonable’’ and should consider what the player wants, telling the Chicago Tribune “Mo needs to understand it’s about doing the right thing. Someone who has had a great career wants to finish in his hometown. He has to understand that.’’

Let’s review. Lider Marmol told me to my face he wanted to play in New York. When asked if Chicago would consider an offer from the Red Bulls, Klopas said “No. Unless they’re willing to give up one of the two players we want, it’s not going to happen. It has to be a situation where it helps the team and makes us better.’’

Marmol eventually was forced to sign with the Fire, saying at the time “(Osorio) brought me to Chicago. I went to New York (this year) because I learned a lot from him. I wanted to play for him.’’

Then there was the aforementioned Conde, who was brought to Chicago last year by Osorio and then requested a trade to follow him to New York.

In a release Conde said “I’ve worked with Juan Carlos Osorio for two years. I know how he works and he knows how I work. This sort of relationship helps you grow as a player and I want to keep growing. My heart tells me I need to play with Osorio.’’

Fire GM John Guppy responded “We are aware of Wilman’s interest to play in New York, however Wilman is under contract with the Chicago Fire and we do expect him to perform all of his obligations in a professional manner.

“As always, the interests of the Chicago Fire are paramount in all player decisions.’’

Apparently by that he means the Fire should care about the Fire’s interests, and Toronto should care about the Fire’s interests. Or maybe only American players shold have their feelings considered. Or maybe only hometown, as opposed to “desired” town. I don’t know.

I just know my grandmother always used to tell me what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, and it sounded like good advice.
