US News


Barack Obama, you’ve got a girlie problem.

Would-be first wife Michelle Obama waded into “The View” yesterday, where the tall Harvard-bred lawyer and mommy proved the Obamas are not Muslim.

She also called her hubby, the presidential candidate, “pathetic,” and divulged that she doesn’t wear pantyhose. And she called full-grown “View” co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck a “girl.”

Holy garter belt!

It was as painful as a root canal to watch Michelle try so hard to show her feminine side. She mainly succeeded in looking bored and superior. And germophobic.

Last month, Barack Obama infuriated feminists when he called a middle-aged female TV reporter “sweetie.” He’s got nothing on his wife in the chick-condescension department.

“You know what? This girl is – she’s solid!” Michelle cooed after the gals on “The View” asked her if she gets along with Hasselbeck, the lone Republican. Cat fight? Grrr!

Proving she’s capable of touching a conservative, Michelle slid the back of her hand past co-host Sherri Shepherd and grandly extended it to Hasselbeck. (Earlier, she’d only offered the “View” ladies knuckle-bumps.) For a second, Hasselbeck eyed the appendage as if it were diseased. Finally, she grabbed the hand, good-naturedly.

“She’s got great kids!” Michelle went on about the blond right-winger. “She’s a great mom. She’s funny. I can disagree with her on a whole range of points but we can come back together tomorrow.”

Not a word about Hasselbeck being a professional broadcaster. Not one.

The appearance was billed as a way for Michelle to come off as less angry, more user-friendly. It didn’t help when she seemed to emasculate her hubby as “sweet” and “pathetic.”

“Empathetic!” she corrected, as the co-hosts cackled.

Well, he also no longer does household chores! (Does she?)

Whoopi Goldberg tried to dig Michelle from the hole she sank into recently when she said, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country.”

Michelle said she’s always been proud. “What I talked about in my speech is having pride in the political process.” OK then.

Michelle made it plain that the Obamas are clean – and not Muslim. In a segment about breakfast, she wrinkled her nose at the sight of soy strips. “We’re bacon people,” she said.

Carnivorous! I think I like that.
