You’ll see plenty of ants this summer. Take note that while you’re enjoying the warm

weather, these little critters are hard at work.

ANTS are among the highest species of insects, living in well-organized groups called colonies. There can be thousands or even millions of ants living in a single colony.

Some species live underground or inside soft wood, while others build mounds.

Ants can be found everywhere on Earth except for places with extreme cold temperatures. They’ve been around since prehistoric times and are among the most successful species on the planet. Those tiny ants are strong for their size – some can lift more than 50 times their own body weight.

Ants have a head, body and a thorax. They don’t have bones, but the outer part of their body has a hard exoskeleton that protects the soft insides.

Every ant colony has a queen. It’s her job to lay eggs. Unlike bees, who have only one queen per

community, an ant colony might have several queens.

Ants grow up pretty fast. It takes just a few days to pass from egg to larva and from pupa to adult. The average life span of a nonqueen ant is just 45 days.

Workers are the most important group. Why? Because they do all the work. Unlike the bee

colonies, which have only female workers, ant workers are both male and female, and they do everything from tending to the young and gathering food to fending off predators and protecting the colony.

The males are responsible for impregnating the queen. Soon after mating, the male dies, but queens can live for more than 10 years.

When an ant colony gets too big, the queen and the males will actually fly away. Males have wings for a short time, while the queen’s wings are permanent. They’ll mate and start a new colony.

Ants are Mother Nature’s great clean-up crew. When other animals or insects die, ants pick at the remains until all the edible parts are gone. The ants lay down a scent trail when they find food so that other members of their colony can join in. Ants also clean up dead leaves and plants.

Some ants use other living insects to get food, without actually eating them.

For example, aphids suck the sap out of plants, but they can’t use all that they ingest, so they excrete a type of dew made from the excess sap. Ants collect this liquid to feed the colony. As a reward of sorts, the ants will actually carry the aphids from plant to plant and will also protect them from predators.

The ant colony uses a caste system. Here’s a look at who’s who in the colony and what they do:

– The queen lays eggs.

– Soldier ants protect the colony from predators with their large, strong jaws .

-Workers tend to the queen, feed the young and gather food.

Different types of ants include leaf cutters, which build compost piles and are mostly found in

Central and South America. Harvester ants live in North America. Army ants are aggressive and move their colonies in search of prey.Weaver ants are the red-and brown-colored ones found in the tropical forests of Africa, India and Australia.

Ant Fun Facts

– There are 35,000 kinds of ants worldwide.

– Sixty species are found in North America.

– Ants have two stomachs – one for themselves and one with food for others.

Check out the new ant exhibit, featuring leafcutter ants at the Central Park Zoo and see these might mites up close and personal.

Call 212-439-6500 or visit for more information.


USE the Internet or other reference source to learn more about ants.

THE next time you see a single ant or a group of ants, don’t step on them. Instead, observe their

behavior and see if you can identify what type they are.

DRAW an ant. Identify the different parts of its body.

Today’s lesson fulfills the following standards: ELA 1c, 3c, 3d, 5a Art Standard 2 Science 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 8b
