US News


WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee will file a fund-raising complaint against Democrat Barack Obama‘s presidential campaign today, accusing it of accepting donations that exceed federal limits, as well as illegal contributions from foreigners.

“They are clearly outside of campaign law,” said RNC spokesman Danny Diaz.

RNC officials acknowledged yesterday that their complaints are largely based on media reports.

One was a story in the current issue of Newsweek that said Obama donors included people who exceeded campaign limits by giving in small increments. One such donor, who listed the name “Doodad Pro,” gave a total of $17,130. The limit is $2,300 per person.

That case was flagged by federal campaign finance auditors and the money was returned, according to the story., a conservative Web site, said in July that Obama raised illegal foreign cash by selling campaign T-shirts in the Gaza Strip.

The complaint asks the Federal Election Commission to audit Obama’s campaign fund, said RNC chief counsel Sean Cairncross. Cairncross said little is known about many of Obama’s donors because the campaign is not required to disclose detailed information about people who give less than $200.

Meanwhile, both campaigns stepped up their attacks, with Obama casting McCain as “erratic” and “out of touch,” and GOP veep pick Sarah Palin accusing the Chicago Democrat of “palling around with terrorists.”

Palin was referring to Obama’s association with 1960s radical Bill Ayers. Obama has said they had only a passing acquaintance.

Critics on both sides suggested that the candidates were using loaded terms to frighten voters.

An Associated Press analysis of Palin’s “terrorists” comments deemed them “racially tinged.” The AP also noted that critics have said the Obama campaign’s use of the word “erratic” was intended to evoke concerns about McCain’s age and temper.
