
Senators using taxpayer money for mailings that resemble ads

It looks like a campaign ad, but it’s taxpayers who are footing the bill.

New York state senators sent out $3.2 million worth of state-funded mailings for the six-month period ending March 31, 2014, the latest expenditure filings show.

The snail mail is often little more than glorified propaganda for the lawmakers, most of whom face re-election battles in November.

Among the bulk-mail big spenders is Sen. Jack Martins, a Long Island Republican who narrowly won his seat in 2010 and was re-elected by only 4,000 votes, or a 4 percent margin, in 2012. His 2010 victory gave Republicans a majority hold on the Senate.

Martins used $106,480 in state money during the latest six-month reporting period, making him the third-highest spender in the Senate. That is double the average spending of $53,453 among 60 senators who reported bulk-mailing costs.

An April mailing says, “Senator Martins Announces: over $4.3 million for Roslyn Schools in New State Budget,” and implies the lawmaker secured the money himself.

Adam Haber, a Democrat, announced at the end of March that he would challenge Martins.

Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause, said the Martins mailer raised red flags.

“It’s perfectly appropriate to communicate with your constituents, but this looks like election-related self-promotion,” she said.

Chris Schneider, a spokesman for Martins, said the senator was merely communicating information, including news about state education aid, that was important to ­constituents.

“With over 300,000 residents in the 7th Senate District, we’ve done that for less than the cost of a postage stamp per person. Transparency and accountability are important, and we will continue to keep our constituents informed of the issues affecting all of us,” Schneider said.

Other top spenders include Brooklyn’s Martin Golden, a Republican who shelled out $107,088.

The state’s biggest spender was Sen. Thomas O’Mara, a Republican from upstate Big Flats, whose bulk-mailing costs came to $110,334.

Sen. Cecilia Tkaczyk, from upstate Duanesburg, topped the Democrats with $81,449 in bulk-mailing costs.

Golden’s office defended the mail money.

“Every year, whether it’s an election year or not, that’s the way we communicate a great deal of our events and information. Most of the material doesn’t get sent out close to an election,” said Jerry Kassar, Golden’s chief of staff.
